Canadian Prime Minister’s Parliamentary Secretary Hosts David Bedein in Ottawa With a Message: Canada...

David Bedein suggests Canada play a "heroic" role in turning Palestinian refugee camps into permanent communities, an idea critics says is too simplistic and does not address the refugees's right to return. Plan Would...

Iran And The Holocaust:Cause For Concern

As a student of modern Jewish history and anti-Semitism, I have always tried to refrain from using the term "Holocaust" for rhetorical purposes. But this time, Holocaust Memorial Day is different, so it seems,...

Different Definitions: What is Settlement Activity?

And After So Much Discussion in Israel as to "Who is a Jew", the Time Has Come to Ask: What is the Definition of "What is Settlement Activity"? by David S. Bedein, MSW US President Bill...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

Chuck Morse, author, “The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism.” and Carol Greenwald, board member,...

The sacred memory of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust must not be victimized by political correctness.The U.S.Holocaust Memorial Museum has done this by avoiding any mention of the Arab or Muslim role in...

Inside The Palestinian Authority: Issue 1

Editor's note: Welcome to the first edition of "Inside the PA," a weekly on-line publication designed to provide valuable insight into the workings of the Palestinian Authority. We will review important statements by senior PA...

U.N. Agency Balks At Transferring Duties To Palestinians

A U.N. agency dedicated to the welfare of Palestinian Arabs is resisting Israel's suggestion that it hand over some of its responsibilities in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. The idea was raised by Israel's foreign...

Alan Dershowitz’s View of Peace

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has written The Case for Peace (Wiley and Sons, NYC, 2005), soon to be translated into Hebrew, that is based on commonly held assumptions about the Middle East. The surprise...

The Palestinian Broadcasting Media: A Survey Report

General Summary On the eve of PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas's planned visit to Washington, the broadcast media of the Palestinian Authority (PA) maintained a generally tough anti-Israeli and sometimes even anti- American posture, regarding talks...

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...