An Improved Arab Peace Initiative? The Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted at the Beirut summit in 2002, returned to the diplomatic discourse after an April 29 visit to Washington by an Arab League delegation. Politicians and commentators attributed supreme...

An Improved Arab Peace Initiative? The Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted at the Beirut summit in 2002, returned to the diplomatic discourse after an April 29 visit to Washington by an Arab League delegation. Politicians and commentators attributed supreme...

Assessing Alan Dershowitz’s View of Peace

Machmud Abbas and Alan Dershowitz. JPost At the Jerusalem Post Conference on April 28, 2013, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz once again declare that he has received assurances from Palestinian Authority leader Machmud Abbas, AKA...

A Serious Case of Colour Blindness”¦writes Michael Kuttner Individuals suffering from colour blindness are unable to distinguish between red and green. This of course can be a dangerous situation if they drive and have to know when to stop or go at...

When Terrorists Fall Out You Know Jihad is Doomed One of the reasons why the Middle East situation is less fearsome than it might seem is that the radicals and terrorists are not united at all but battle among themselves for tactical, doctrinal,...

What’s in a Name: Is Associated Press Laundering Islamism? Political leaders and government officials are paid for trying to avoid, mitigate, or manage damage to their countries. Experts and journalists are supposed to warn about them and explain the dangers. This isn’t happening....

Lessons of the Syrian Reactor THE OFFICE of the assistant to the president for national-security affairs in the West Wing of the White House is a spacious, well-lit corner room in a building where space is at a premium....

Shut That Window of Opportunity, Please Almost lost in the terrible events in Boston is the Obama administration's dire warning this week that the window for diplomatic success in the Middle East is closing -- not on Iran's quest for...

Muslims Not All the Same I had expected to move today to issues other than the Boston terror attack. Barry Rubin, however, has written an excellent piece on this subject -- "Who Will Keep More Muslim Teenagers from Becoming...

Speech to Board of Deputies of British Jews INTRODUCTION Chief Rabbi, Your Excellency, My Lords, and Gentlemen, Mr. President I am honoured and delighted to be with you tonight. You have already shown me every courtesy. Indeed, you have done even more than courtesy...