Accidental Eyewitness To 9/11: One Decade Ago On Sept. 11, 2001, the attack at the Twin Towers caught this reporter in Lower Manhattan, preparing to give a talk in a week long lecture series on how the PLO, the seemingly legitimate...

Lessons for Israel from captured Iraqi nuclear documents While Israel is naturally focused on the implications of Iran completing its drive toward nuclear weapons, there is another case of one of its bitterest enemies, who tried to accomplish the same goal once...

Amos Yadlin: Only bombing Assad’s forces will stop the slaughter now President Bashar al-Assad continues to exploit the international community's propensity to turn a blind eye to the escalation in Syria, which now results in the murder of hundreds of innocent civilians each week. Thus...

Intelligence Committee Chair Describes Explosive Confrontation Between Netanyahu and American Ambassador Rep. Mike Rogers, the Michigan Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, says that his much-discussed meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem late last month did, in fact, devolve into an...

Romney vs. Obama vis-à-vis Israel "President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus." That's what Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for president, said in the high-profile speech accepting his party's nomination last week, repeating a slang phrase for...

An action plan for Syria Aleppo - Syria’s largest city, its commercial capital and an ancient heritage site - has been under relentless assault for close to a month. The siege has followed what has been called “Assad’s pattern of...

The Geography of Iranian Power by Robert D. Kaplan Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from Robert D. Kaplan's new book, The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate , which will be...

Morsi’s just not that into Iran Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had high hopes for the visit to Tehran by new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. His trip on Thursday for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit might have been brief -- his...

Debating What to Do About Iran

Almost everyone seems to agree that the Iranian nuclear weapons project should be stopped. Preferably through economic sanctions against Iran, but if that doesn't work, then military means will have to be used. But...

An action plan for Syria Aleppo - Syria’s largest city, its commercial capital and an ancient heritage site - has been under relentless assault for close to a month. The siege has followed what has been called “Assad’s pattern of...