The Biden Opportunity

The arrival of US President Biden in Jerusalem provides an unprecedented opportunity to tackle obstacles to peace that can be removed with the cooperation of the President of the United States. 1. Replace the Palestinian...

Interview conducted with Amnon Yisraeli, of blessed memory in May 2021, during attack...

Interview conducted with Amnon Yisraeli, of blessed memory in May 2021, during attack from Gaza

Rafael Grossi Is the Last Man Standing For Nonproliferation

“Grossi is still the main obstacle to the finalization” of a nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, proclaimed Nour News, an outlet frequently used by Iran’s supreme leader for unofficial commentary. Rafael Grossi, the...

Media Advisory. Context of Murder

Today, Reporters will cover the funerals of Maya and Rena Dees Z"L in Efrat, murdered in a drive-by shooting. Their mother remains in the hospital..   pictures encl. taken from FB Responsibility for murder  lies with Muhamad Abbas, AKA Abu...

Deciphering the headlines

According to the Oxford language website, deciphering is defined as “succeeding in understanding, interpreting or identifying something.” Having the ability to do this is a requirement these days, especially as the print and online media...

Unrwa Accountabiity Conference  

UN agency accused of being part of Hamas after Israel strikes terrorist HQ

The Israel Defense Forces and the country’s domestic security agency Shin Bet announced that a military strike on Sunday targeted a Hamas command center located in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)...


The only way to eliminate lethal pathogens is to thoroughly sanitize the infected areas. Currently, we are witnessing another sort of sanitization. It is the frenetic attempts to absolve and exonerate the pathogenic politicians, political parties...

NEW REPORT: Faculty Boycotters are Fueling Campus Antisemitism

A new study released today by AMCHA Initiative, Faculty Academic Boycotters: Ground Zero for Campus Antisemitism, examined the unique contribution of faculty who support an academic boycott of Israel to the explosion of antisemitic...

Weekly Commentary: Apply Torts Ordinance Article 12 to Recover From The PA

Weekly Commentary: Apply Torts Ordinance Article 12 to Recover From The PA All Compensation to Terror Victims Dr. Aaron Lerner 14 April 2022 This week it was reported the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that the payment by...