Ending the Perpetual Epidemiological Disaster of the Hamas Ideology

As a doctor who spent a lifetime of work in epidemiology and environmental medicine, I have extensive experience thinking about how external factors drive public health outcomes – preventable disease and premature death. I have...


All signs point to democratic societies and countries having no idea of what should be done to thwart impending chaos. The multi-million dollar pier constructed by the Americans on the coast of Gaza is symbolic...
Children experimenting with means of warfare alongside operatives of the terrorist organization Hamas (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)

Hamas use of UNRWA facilities is more than a tactic

The discovery that Hamas was using the headquarters of UNRWA in Gaza to recruit new members and also to store rockets and explosives as well as drones illustrates how the use of UN facilities is a...

Mahmoud Abbas und der Terror der Hamas

Die Kommentare von PA-Präsident Abbas gegenüber palästinensischen Medien enthielten kein einziges Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung, sehr wohl aber die Zusage von lebenslangen Renten an die Familien der Terroristen. Die Ereignisse der vergangenen zwei...

UNRWA are useless at aid distribution and education, except glorifying and encouraging Jew killing

"UNRWA are useless at aid distribution [and]...education, except glorifying... and encouraging Jew killing." Israeli Government spokesperson David Mencer

IDF attacks terrorists in UNRWA complex in Gaza

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit reported on Thursday that forces "struck a number of Hamas terrorists who operated in Hamas terror infrastructure in the area of Zeytoun. The terror infrastructure was used as the headquarters...

A Letter to the World from Jerusalem, 1969

Eliezer Whartman has a few things he needs to get off his chest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTW59USStlk  

Recipes for chaos

Definition: “mixture of people and events that will lead to disorder, confusion and trouble.” This more than adequately sums up the situations which confront us now and in the immediate future. Whether it is the dysfunctional...

Fact-filled zoom briefing with expert on PA texts used by UNRWA: Tues, July 5,...

Fact-filled zoom briefing with expert on PA texts used by UNRWA: Tues, July 5, 2022 https://vimeo.com/727997516