Middle East Radio Forum

With host Attorney William J. Wolf Every Sunday Live on KKNT 960 am Noon to 1:00pm MST (no DST)   Next Show: July  10, 2022   Welcoming Jerusalem Investigative Journalist David Bedein as the guest   Renewal of US funds to UNRWA...
Screenshot, the protest in Emanuel; Photo credit: Free use

Three detained at protest over Arab workers at Bruchin

In June, demonstrators in Efrat protested against the decision to allow the entrance of Arab workers to their communities. Demonstrators protested twice in Emanuel; please click here and here. On July 28, dozens of Yehuda and Shomron residents protested against...

David Bedein addresses ISGAP, February – 2017

David Bedein of the Israel Resource News Agency talks about the presence of antisemitic teachers and curriculum at Palestinian UNWRA schools and what is being done to combat them. A program of ISGAP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Q9CRjpKNA&t=1s  

Kristallnacht Never Forget

On November 9th 1938, mobs burned synagogues, destroyed Jewish homes and businesses, vandalized Jewish hospitals, orphanages and cemeteries, and dragged thousands of Jewish men, women and children into the streets, where they were beaten...

Legacy of German Chancellor Merkel: Engaging terror –related human rights groups

German foreign aid under the leadership of Chancellor Merkel was characterized by insufficient transparency. Germany allocates tax money to organizations which claim to provide humanitarian aid, promote peace and advance stability in regions of...

David Bedein wishes all of our readers a Happy Israel Independence Day

David Bedein wishes all of our readers a Happy Israel Independence Day

Jerusalem Report: PA education rejects any two-state solution

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks feature three fundamentals: 1. Delegitimization of Israel’s existence and the Jews’ very presence in the country, which includes denial of their history and the existence of any Jewish holy places there. 2. Demonization of...

How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA

Following the US and Israel elections: Our document to submit to the new US Congress & the Israeli Knesset, Nov. 13, 2022

UNRWA Commissioner-General Calls for Three-Year Mandate to be Renewed

Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini called for renewing the agency's mandate for an additional three years. This came in the annual...

Watch: Wounded City of David Hero Returns to the Kotel

Nadav Weinberg, the heroic IDF officer who was seriously wounded in the City of David terror attack in January, yet still managed to keep fighting and neutralize the terrorist, was released from the hospital. Ar...