UNRWA does not create policies on its own

At a time when news of renewed aid to UNRWA from the US, Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Germany now dominate the headlines, the time has come  for a dispassionate perspective from...

Special Independence Day Zoom Presentation: April 15, 2021

Special Independence Day Zoom Presentation: April 15, 2021: Rabbi Allan Schwartz , OHAB Zedek, New York, interviews journalist David Bedein in Israel. 9:30 Los Angeles 12:30 New York 15:30 London 16:30 Stockholm 19:30 Jerusalem Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcucu-hrD4oEtbO_fWeic0Ir4oj35d2_mz6 Website : IsraelBehindTheNews.com

Nikki Haley Blasts Resumption of UNRWA Funding ‘Wasting millions of American tax dollars’

Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley slammed the Biden administration’s decision to restore funding to the anti-Israel Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA. Haley told the Algemeiner: “The Palestinian aid agency UNRWA is among the...

1500 Rabbis Warn Biden Administration is Funding Terrorism

On Thursday, the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) condemned the decision of the Biden administration to renew funding to both the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). CJV is a US-based...

As Netanyahu Attempts to Form Coalition, Israel Battles Biden Decision to Re-Fund UNRWA

For the fourth time in two years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to form a majority, coalition government. But even if he succeeds, Netanyahu will face other challenges from outside, including President...

The longest surviving plague

Yom Hashoah is commemorated after Passover and on the Hebrew date of the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. It is highly symbolic and appropriate that just as we have finished celebrating our liberation from...

Letters sent to each UNRWA donor nation concerning indiscretions in UNRWA schools

Letters sent to each UNRWA donor nation concerning indiscretions in UNRWA schools. Download PDF, click here.

Bipartisan House members reintroduce Palestinian education bill

A bipartisan group of House legislators reintroduced a bill on Monday calling for a State Department assessment of lesson plans created by the Palestinian Authority and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The...

Biden push to restore funding for Palestinian refugees sparks lobbying fight

A decades-long critic of the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency has hired his first lobbying firm to try to put the brakes on the Joe Biden administration’s stated intention to restore funding for the beleaguered organization. David Bedein of...

Will there again be justice in Jerusalem?

An Israeli Arab felon, Rashdi Abu Moch, was released this week from jail after 35 years. Abu Moch had murdered Moshe Tammam, an Israeli solider, in 1984. Abu Moch's village held a homecoming festival in honor...