Turkey contributes US$ 10 million to UNRWA in support of Palestine refugees

The Government of Turkey has contributed US$ 10 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in support of Palestine refugees. This generous funding comes...

Ra’am’s guiding charter backs Palestinian right of return, calls Zionism racist

The charter that guides Ra’am, the Islamist party being wooed by the mainstream parties competing to form Israel’s next government, urges a right of return for Palestinian refugees, says “there can be no allegiance”...

A New (or Old) Biden Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

As Israelis cope with their fourth election in two years, Americans must wonder what U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be under the Biden administration—no matter who wins in the Israeli vote. A...

Policy Statement of Florida Rabbi Barry Silver

I urge the Biden Administration to do all it can to repudiate the obnoxious effort of the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA to brainwash children and pay off murderers of Jews, who not only threaten...

US wants to renew to the PA and UNRWA? – Two requests

US now considers renewed unconditional aid to the PA and UNRWA. The PA has strengthened formal legislation to grant automatic salaries for life for anyone who murders a Jew- for the murderer and for the...

Mirror, mirror on the wall

“Mirror mirror on the wall Please can you differentiate Between real and fake Among them all.” This apt quote sums up the surreal circumstances we find ourselves facing at present. Whether it is the train wreck following our latest...

USAID Failed to Ensure Palestinian Aid Dollars Kept from Terrorists, GAO Says

The United States Agency for International Development is downplaying the significance of a recent government oversight report highlighting the agency’s failure to ensure that taxpayer aid dollars sent to the Palestinian government did not...

West Bank and Gaza Aid: Should Funding Resume, Increased Oversight of Subawardee Compliance with...

West Bank and Gaza Aid: Should Funding Resume, Increased Oversight of Subawardee Compliance with USAID's Antiterrorism Policies and Procedures May Reduce Risks Fast Facts Since 1993, the U.S. government has provided more than $6.3 billion in bilateral...

UNRWA and the Palestinian Refugees: A History within History

It is difficult to conceive a sustainable, long-lasting solution to the Palestinian–Israeli conflict without examining the refugee issue and identifying a just solution to it for both sides. Over time, and beside its emotional...

PA goes postal – stamping on int’l law

Concerning “Palestinians using postal bank for ‘pay-for-slay’ to avoid Israeli law” (March 24) confirming that PLO terrorists use the postal bank for to pay people for murdering Jews, it must be pointed out that...