Canadian examination of UNRWA debated in Canadian Parliament

FAAE COMMITTEE MEETING Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear....

Letter from Julia Marks, Diplomatic Liaison, Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research

On February 9, 2021, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research gave its sixth briefing in less than four years for senior staff members of the UN Secretary General, concerning UNRWA policies. Dr. Arnon...

What conditions will accompany the US policy to restore funds to the Palestinian Authority...

The US decision to restore funds to the Palestinian Authority and to UNRWA is a foregone conclusion. The question remains: Will the US place reasonable conditions on the renewal of funds to either the PA...

Major Jewish groups split over Biden’s anti-Israel staffers

m actually frightened,’ says Morton Klein. This is surprising: Morton Klein is supposed to be fearless. He’s the president of the Zionist Organization of America, the largest conservative Jewish lobby group in the country....

Jerusalem in the snow, File 2. February 2021

Jerusalem in the snow, File 2. February 2021 From: Ben Gottesfeld

YET ANOTHER in the Zionist Series

Here's another in our Zionist Series of Dry Bones eBooks. Attached is a THIRD SET of TEN HISTORIC ZIONISTS, click here.

Biden Nominee for Top State Dept Post Contributed to Book About How ‘Israel Lobby’...

President Joe Biden's nominee for a top State Department position played a key role in assembling a book on the nefarious influence of the "Israel lobby" while working for an organization that promoted claims...

The Mufti tells the truth: The Arabs sold the land to the Jews

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj al-Amin al-Husseini, will never be accused of loving Jews. In fact, 70 years ago today, the Mufti, who was Yasser Arafat's uncle, met with Adolph Hitler in Berlinto discuss the...

The UNRWA cash economy

When a social service agency provides cash  assistance, there is little transparency. 59 UNRWA refugee facilities  in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem are plagued by organized crime: Trafficking women, narcotics, cars and...