The British Labour Party Since The Hitler Era And World War II: From Anti-Zionism...

BACKGROUND In 2012 while plotting his rise to control of the British Labour Party, Corbyn admiringly defended a mural depicting ravenous Jewish bankers taking bites out of the backs of naked Third World minorities.14 Not...

The Palestinian Definition of anti-Semitism

In the last decade, the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the West has been on the rise. Swastika painted on walls, members of the Jewish community harassed, cemeteries desecrated, synagogues set on fire, and more. A...

Responding to “Israel can’t contain Iran alone. It doesn’t have to”, by Daniel Shapiro

December 9, 2020 Editor Washington Post Responding to "Israel can’t contain Iran alone. It doesn’t have to", by Daniel Shapiro Dear Editor, In his oped, published on December 5, 2020 in the Washington Post, Shapiro defines Israel's purpose in...

Will the EU Develop a Serious Strategy to Combat Antisemitism?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: For about 20 years, the EU has been largely inactive, incompetent, negligent, and at times even evil in the battle against antisemitism. During that period, Jew- and Israel hatred has greatly increased...

UNRWA’s Moment of Truth

Seventy years after its founding with an 18-month mandate to provide emergency aid to the “Palestine refugees,” the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has grown...

The Palestinian Authority is looking for creative ways to continue transferring payments to terrorist...

On November 17, 2020, Hussein al-Sheikh, head of the PA General Authority of Civil Affairs and member of Fatah’s Central Committee, as well as a close associate of Mahmoud Abbas, announced the resumption of...

Dubious diplomacy

Is it better to rely on diplomatic negotiations or instead to take direct action which promises a far more promising outcome? Is a judicious combination of both more guaranteed to provide success? These questions have...

Initial reflection on the UNRWA Policy Conference which the Bedein Center For Near East...

Initial reflection on the UNRWA Policy Conference which the Bedein Center For Near East Policy held on zoom in the German language on November 29, 2020 in German language to discuss the German financial...

UNRWA in Jordan

A credible research analyst who goes by the pen name of Elder of Zion has written a thoughtful perspective about the UNRWA school system in Jordan, where he points out that...

Obama on Israel: Broken Promise, Full of Falsehoods

I have never criticized former U.S. President Barack Obama publicly — neither during my time in the Knesset nor anywhere else — despite my having disagreed with many of his policies. I am of...