Activists and experts demand German transparency on UNRWA support

he Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research held a Zoom seminar this week in order to share research about the prevalence of anti-Israel hate education as an official part of the curriculum within...

The lie down under

Australian Greens politician Adam Bandt MP wrote a letter to the Australian Jewish News a couple of weeks ago to whitewash the Greens anti-Israel policies. A year ago Bandt delivered a speech to the...

Why Is the Palestinian Authority Donating to U.S. Universities?

The Palestinian Authority (PA) seems to have no shortage of funds to pay terrorists in Israeli jails and the families of suicide bombers. In 2019, the PA distributed approximately $148 million to prisoners, a 3 percent increase from...

Haley calls on White House to release classified report on Palestinian refugees

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley called on the Trump administration to declassify a report detailing the current number of Palestinian refugees who are receiving aid from the UN Works and...


Yiddish is a most expressive language which often defies perfect translation into English as well as conveying its emotional intent. Take the word narishkeit for example. For the purposes of this op-ed, it can be...

Biden gesture to his Jewish voters : Deny assistance to anyone who honors those...

Indications are that a majority of Jewish Americans voted for Joe Biden in the recent US presidential election. It is entirely plausible that the Jewish enthusiasm in this tight race served to turn the tide...
Picture of  a smiling Maher al-Hashlamon as he was convicted of the murder of Dalya Lemkus

Palestinian Authority murder incentive fund in full swing

On October 8, 2015, six Arabs either murdered or tried to murder Jews, in six different locations in the country. As these attacks occurred, Arabs rioted in every nook and cranny of Israel, on...

How Trump can expose biggest lie in Middle East: Palestinian ‘refugee’ myth

The Trump administration may be on its way out, but it can still ­advance American interests between now and January. This is particularly true in the Middle East, where White House policies have arguably...

Remembering two forgotten heroes: Ben Hecht and Peter Bergson

On Nov. 25, 1942, a five-paragraph article, buried on page 10 of The New York Times, confirmed the deaths at that time of 2 million Jews in Nazi-controlled Europe and warned of the perilous plight...

Shoshana Bryen on F-35s and Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge

Shoshana Bryen, senior director of the Jewish Policy Center and editor of InFocus Quarterly, spoke to participants in an October 30 Middle East Forum webinar (video) about the U.S. administration's sale of F-35 jet...