A shooting attack against an IDF force near Nablus ended with the death of...

On November 4, 2020, a Palestinian armed with a hand gun drove to a roadblock near Hawwara (south of Nablus) and opened fire at IDF soldiers manning the site. The soldiers were reported (IDF...

A Biden Presidency Would Mean Your Tax Dollars Going to the Palestinian Jihad

According to Daoud Kuttab in Al-Monitor Friday, the possibility of a Joe Biden presidency, or regency for Kamala Harris, has Palestinian Authority officials “in a quandary.” This is because “Palestinian officials want to make...

BBC cancels interview with Sharren Haskel about Saeb Erekat

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) canceled an interview it scheduled with Likud MK Sharren Haskel after, according to her, it became clear to them that she was not mourning the death of terror-supporter Erekat. According to MK...

Rabbi Sacks on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel is dangerously wrong because beneath the surface it's an attempt to delegtimize Israel as a prelude to its elimination. No Jew and no humanitarian can...

VP Biden Misrepresented PA/UNRWA education to AIPAC

In March 2016, a member of the White House Press Pool, covering the annual AIPAC conference in DC, asked a question of  Vice President Biden, who had just returned from a middle east tour. The question was...

The Day of Kristallnacht

The PLO is the first entity in history to have enacted legislation that grants a gratuity to anyone who murders a Jew. The PLO murder incentives are granted to the killer and to his/her family,...

Double double toil and trouble

The witches’ incantation from Macbeth succinctly describes the developing chaos now facing many citizens in various countries. As they stirred the boiling cauldron the opening stanza has an eerie echo for today’s current situation. “Double double...

Ben Salomo- an inspriational songe from Berlin

Ein Jahr nach dem verheerenden antisemitischen Anschlag von Halle, veröffentlicht Ben Salomo seinen neuen Song "Deduschka" und reflektiert darin seine persönliche jüdische Perspektive auf die Entwicklungen in Deutschland. Darüberhinaus ruft er zur Solidarität mit...

Corona Magic!

Here are some things that have been working out better than expected: 1. The Health Ministry – Misrad Habriyut *5400 – they have never been more amenable! Theyactually answer the phone in a timely fashion...

UAE: Will the precarious relationship with UNRWA stand in the way of peace?

For more than seventy years, Arab regimes have communicated a sole message towards Israel: belligerency; teaching the next generation to engage in a war on the Jews. Israel’s earlier peace agreements with Egypt (1979), the...