The Day of Kristallnacht

The PLO is the first entity in history to have enacted legislation that grants a gratuity to anyone who murders a Jew. The PLO murder incentives are granted to the killer and to his/her family,...

Double double toil and trouble

The witches’ incantation from Macbeth succinctly describes the developing chaos now facing many citizens in various countries. As they stirred the boiling cauldron the opening stanza has an eerie echo for today’s current situation. “Double double...

Ben Salomo- an inspriational songe from Berlin

Ein Jahr nach dem verheerenden antisemitischen Anschlag von Halle, veröffentlicht Ben Salomo seinen neuen Song "Deduschka" und reflektiert darin seine persönliche jüdische Perspektive auf die Entwicklungen in Deutschland. Darüberhinaus ruft er zur Solidarität mit...

Corona Magic!

Here are some things that have been working out better than expected: 1. The Health Ministry – Misrad Habriyut *5400 – they have never been more amenable! Theyactually answer the phone in a timely fashion...

UAE: Will the precarious relationship with UNRWA stand in the way of peace?

For more than seventy years, Arab regimes have communicated a sole message towards Israel: belligerency; teaching the next generation to engage in a war on the Jews. Israel’s earlier peace agreements with Egypt (1979), the...

Veteran journalist, Dr. Michael Widlanski responds to Tom Friedman’s interview

Veteran journalist, Dr. Michael Widlanski responds to Tom Friedman's interview. Tom Friedman launched his career with a series of lies about the massacre in Beirut in September 1982. I know because I was in the room...

In anticipation of civil unrest after US Election Day, boarded up businesses on Rodeo...

In anticipation of civil unrest after US Election Day, boarded up businesses on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California. Photo credit; Dr. Mark Goldenberg

Bipartisan Senate Group Marks First Anniversary Fighting Antisemitism

Background: The Senate Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Anti-Semitism marked its first year advancing legislation against antisemitism – and calling out acts of antisemitic hate in the U.S. and abroad. Launched by Senators Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and James Lankford (R-OK), the...

The Long-Simmering Feud between “Inside” Palestinians and the Outsiders from Tunis

Tensions between Mohammad Dahlan supporters and Mahmoud Abbas loyalists have escalated in the West Bank. In Ramallah, Palestinian Authority security forces entered the al-Am’ari refugee camp, close to the city center, to arrest Dahlan...

The 103rd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration is on Monday, November 2, 2020

The 103rd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration is on Monday, November 2, 2020 Jacob Richman created a resource page about the Balfour Declaration at: