Even without diplomatic ties, here’s how 200 Israeli companies are already doing business in...

Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) still have no official diplomatic ties, but, unofficially, an extensive financial relationship between the two is an open secret. According to the Manufacturers Association of Israel, about...

Opportunity : Reconsider Unconditional UAE Allocations to UNRWA.

David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency at The Center for Near East Policy Research www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com Negotiations to establish a peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates  provides  an opportunity to require  that UAE stop financing UNRWA  education...

What Really Happened at the Port of Beirut?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On August 4, 2020, a massive explosion occurred at a warehouse on the waterfront of the Port of Beirut, Lebanon. It killed at least 135 people, wounded at least 5,000, left approximately...

Hizbullah Bears the Responsibility for the Beirut Disaster

Hizbullah controls the security of the port of Beirut and uses the port for storing weapons and its smuggling operations. The assessment in Lebanon is that the investigation of the explosion will be a whitewash....

Lebanon-What happened?

Part 1: Lebanon-What happened? Part I of this series will review the facts of what we know has happened and an analysis of the horrific catastrophe in Beirut on August 4 itself. Part II will...

Botched EU Research Falsely Claims Israeli Textbooks Promoting Tolerance Were Published by Palestinian Authority,...

A long-awaited report by the European Union (EU) into the problem of incitement in school textbooks published by the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been plagued by faulty research that falsely claimed Israeli textbooks promoting...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (July 29 – August 4, 2020)

This past week a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. It targeted the southern city of Sderot at a time when many residents were at a drive-in movie. The rocket...

Midsummer madness

Dictionary definition: “foolish or extravagant behaviour supposed to occur during the summer.” We are at the moment more or less in mid-summer and if the above definition is accurate then this week’s crop of foolish and...

UNRWA-USA tries to cash in on Beirut explosion

From a fundraising email from UNRWA-USA: On Tuesday, a massive explosion in Lebanon tragically destroyed or damaged nearly half the capital city of Beirut, left at least 137 dead, thousands injured, and reportedly 300,000 homeless. Before the...

Teaching hate

You can’t expect peace if you teach hate. Common sense, right? A lesson the world has taught over and over again, no? An apolitical lesson, moreover, in that it doesn’t matter who is doing the...