PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made the following remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting: "Israel is a nation of law. Whoever violates the law will be punished severely. We will not tolerate disturbances and...

Statements by PM Netanyahu and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs...

-  Transcription - Netanyahu: Good morning. It's a pleasure to welcome Federica Mogherini here in Jerusalem again, this time as the Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. We have a lot...

Terror Decentral

In the postmortems of the terrorist car attacks in Jerusalem, it is easy to see the writing on the wall. Ibrahim al-Akary, the terrorist who on Wednesday ran over crowds of people waiting to cross...

Palestinian Press, Social Media, Urging Drivers to Perpetrate ‘Martyrdom Operations’

Official Palestinian Authority (PA) social media sites and press are awash with photos and images encouraging drivers to use their cars as terror weapons against Israelis, similar to ramming attacks carried out Wednesday, as...

Now the World Fiddles as Gaza Cries

Once more, Gaza is under attack. Gazans are being evicted from their homes, a curfew has been imposed, and a crossing that enables Gazans to leave has been closed. Yet the world is silent. Strange,...

U.S. Studies Israel-Gaza War

The U.S. military has been studying the war between Israel and the Gaza Strip. The Joint Chiefs of Staff approved an examination of the 50-day war between Israel and Hamas in July and August 2014. They...

UNRWA Teacher Fervently Supports Terror on Facebook

Zuhair Hindi is a teacher at the UNRWA Jabalya Prep School for Boys. He is also a terror supporter. His profile picture on Facebook is of Qassam Brigades terrorist Hassan Mohammed al-Hindi, who might be a brother...

The Train Ride that I will Never Forget

Hi Everyone! Tonight, I paid a visit to a friend recovering from surgery in Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. His recovery is going well and tomorrow they may let him go home. I left the hospital...

Israel must quell this third intifada immediately

Wednesday's two hit-and-run terrorist attacks were carried out in the framework of efforts by Palestinian Islamist elements to affect a change in their favor in the status quo on the Temple Mount, and to...

Op-Ed: The Light Rail Destruction is More than Meets the Eye

The recent vandalism of the Jerusalem Light Rail reveals that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are working hand in glove with the BDS Movement and its leaders in the United States. At the same...