Report: Secret U.S. Iran Prisoner Exchange Revealed YERUSHALAYIM - As part of the rapprochment between the United States and Iran, it has emerged that the U.S. and Iran secretly negotiated a series of prisoner exchanges, The Times of Israel has learned. In...

A Nuclear Crisis in Search of a Model: Lessons from Iraq, North Korea, Libya,... The interim deal signed in Geneva by the P5+1 and Iran is meant only to put “more time on the clock” in order to negotiate a final deal - a comprehensive agreement that will...

Geneva: A Historic and Dangerous Agreement In terms of nuclear infrastructure Iran will be as close to getting the bomb in six months as it is today. Geneva leaves Iran with something it was never granted before: the right to...

December 2, 2013: Strength for the Hard Times Credit: Amit Erez I give thanks for this Chanukah season, which is buoying me - and I hope many of you! - during a difficult time. ~~~~~~~~~~ Before moving to the difficult stuff, I begin with links...

A Nuclear Crisis in Search of a Model: Lessons from Iraq, North Korea, Libya,... The interim deal signed in Geneva by the P5+1 and Iran is meant only to put “more time on the clock” in order to negotiate a final deal - a comprehensive agreement that will...

The Geneva Interim Accord: A Bad Deal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The interim accord reached in Geneva regarding Iran’s nuclear program is a bad deal. It enshrines Iran’s status as a nuclear threshold state and paves, not impedes, Tehran’s path towards a nuclear...

Ex-CIA chief: Iran far too close to nuclear weapon,7340,L-4460172,00.html WASHINGTON - The director of the CIA during George W. Bush's administration, Michael Hayden, said that "right now, the Iranians are far too close to a nuclear weapon." The former top American spy, who first...

The blood libel film For the past several months a campaign has been under way in Israel and around the world, backed by an endless budget, aimed at aggravating the relationship between the State of Israel and the...

Nitzan’s destructive disengagement days Six pages of Shai Nitzan's biography were laid on the cabinet's table this morning. The extent that his personal convictions influenced his decision-making during his tenure as deputy attorney-general continues to stir controversy. "I...

Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like It’s 19[3]9 “The sky was all purpleThere were people runnin’ everywhere Oops out of time,Tryin’ to run from the destructionYou know I didn’t even care...So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 199.”-Prince, “1999” I have been working...