Behind the scene with David Bedein – February 15, 2023

New Report: Overwhelming Evidence of Ties between NGOs and the PFLP

In our new 80-page report, Clear and Convincing: The Links between the PFLP and the European Government-funded NGO Network, we present overwhelming, publicly available evidence of ties between seven Palestinian "human rights" NGOs and...

Special Report: the Palestinian Education System Praises the Terror Attack in Neve Yaakov

On January 27th, Friday night, there was a terror attack in Jerusalem (Neve Yaacov) in which seven people were murdered and three injured. The terrorist, Alkam Hayri, was a 21-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Wife Sara Pay a Condolence Call on the...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Tuesday, 14 February 2023), paid a condolence call on the Paley family at their home in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, where two members...

When Terrorism Pays in Cash

Murder can be an all-too profitable endeavor for Palestinian terrorists. Despite pretensions to being a normal governmental organization, the Palestinian Authority doles out hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorists and their families. As...

Letter to US Ambassador Tom Hides Following the two murders today, PA law  provide a salary for life for the family of the killer. Will the US Demand that the PA cancel that law? today's murders

USAID Boasts of Funding Antisemitic Charity in Gaza Linked to Designated Terrorist Organization

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is part of the State Department, has boasted of providing taxpayer funding to a Palestinian charity linked closely to the designated terrorist organization Hamas. A USAID August...

No Media Coverage

Israel - is easy to be proud of and for a variety of very good reasons. While many of the countries that surround her would like to see her the long run it would...

Inconvenient Reminders

Sweeping embarrassing and painful occurrences under the proverbial carpet is a popular pastime for many. There is always the possibility that some might throw a cold shower on current politically accepted thinking. In most cases, this...