Egyptians’ Lust For War With Israel In yet another blow to the hopes of those who confidently told us that the Egyptian uprising heralded the dawn of a new, secular democracy there, a new poll shows that 54% of...

Raw Intelligence Report: A View from Syria Editor’s Note:People are scared. An understatement, no doubt, but my friends - both foreign and Syrian - are worried about the developments. Almost all of my foreign friends are leaving and many have moved...

PA HONOURS TERRORIST MASTERMIND RESPONSIBLE FOR PASSOVER MASSACRE OF 2002: WILL CANADA WHICH FUNDS... Emergency workers were greeted with the sight of 22 people already dead in the Passover bombing Photo by Reuters The PA daily al-Hayat reports on Palestinian Minister Karake's award of celebratory plaque to the family of...

There Was No Goldstone Investigation

April 24, 2011 It's too early to tell how Richard Goldstone's decision to reverse the key claim of the controversial 2009 Goldstone Report on the 2009 Gaza War will play out. But so far, observers...

Syria’s unrest led by Islamists? Thursday, 21 April 2011 A Syrian protester shouts slogans calling for Syria's President Bashar al-Assad to step down. (File photo) Contrary to the Syrian government’s claim, unrest in the country was...

OPEN LETTER BY IRANIAN CANADIANS EXPRESSES GRAVE CONCERN REGARDING CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL’S CONFERENCE IN... This letter first published last week in Winnipeg Jewish Review has been referred to by an article in the prestigious website of the Hudson Institute NewYork OPEN LETTER The Honorable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defense Jennifer...

Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association (UCCLA) has sent out a postcard to select Canadians...,_AND_QUESTIONS_POSED_TO_THOSE_WHO_SENT_IT_OUT Front of Animal Farm postcard sent out by UCCLA Image on Back of Postcard DOES THIS POSTCARD SUGGEST JEWS ARE PIGS? HEAR SOME FEEDBACK, AND QUESTIONS POSED TO THOSE WHO SENT IT OUT The Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties...

Iran Oil Fair Makes Mockery of Sanctions Hundreds of foreign oil companies are taking part in a major industry exhibition that opened in Tehran on Saturday, making a mockery of U.S. and European Union efforts to impose sanctions on Iran’s oil...

The Grand Jihad: Andy McCarthy Impresses in Stoughton, Massachusetts

Andrew C. McCarthy, best-selling author of the The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America spoke at my synagogue, Temple Ahavath Torah in Stoughton, Massachusetts on April 11th. McCarthy is the former...

Peace between Israel and Egypt is kaput

The deterioration in relations between Israel and Egypt should serve as a sad reminder to all that the new generation in the Arab world is not marching toward moderation, particularly when it comes to...