Security Council Resolution 1701 and Its Systematic Violation by Hezbollah and Iran

The IDF is currently carrying out Operation Northern Shield to expose and neutralize the attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah along the Israeli-Lebanese border. The construction of the tunnels is another example of the systematic,...

Call me Harry

Towards the end of last year, I attended a diplomatic conference in Jerusalem where attendees from the diplomatic corps, media and students of international affairs were present. Representing a wide cross-section of opinion it was...

US Middle East Policy: A reality check

At a time when pundits await the details of US President Trump's master plan for the Middle East, rumors fly across the political spectrum as to  the  US gov't policy towards Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria...

Hamas is Acting as an Arm of Iranian Power

Ever since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, there has been speculation about the precise connection between Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Israeli disengagement plan was supposed to produce...

Breaking News- CAEF becomes first organization in the world to demand that aid...

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and MPs Freeland, Lametti, Singh and Joly; Please read our urgent request that Canada condition funding to the PA on their repeal of their law incentivizing the murder of Jews. This requires...

The Biden Jerusalem Opportunity

The arrival of US President Biden in Jerusalem provides an unprecedented opportunity to tackle obstacles to peace that can be removed with the cooperation of the President of the United States. 1. Replace the Palestinian...

Israel and the US face elections on November 1 and November 8 respectively. Both...

1.The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by  IDF under the direction of the US to fight Arab terrorists, now carry out daily attacks by PSF elite unit known as Al Aqsa Brigades. Yet US...

Hezbollah: ‘We Have Not Yet Published Our Final Position on Maritime Border Agreement’

Mohammad Raad, who heads Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc, says that the “resistance” (a reference to Hezbollah) stood to the right of the authorities in Lebanon during the indirect negotiations they conducted with the “Israeli enemy”...

The Third Man

We know the news: On Feb. 20, U.S. President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Kiev where lots of people took his picture with his Ukrainian counterpart. Biden relayed more promises of aid...

Jews and the Land of Israel: Part X: Wording of the Balfour Declaration and...

*Editor’s Note: This is the tenth installment in the most recent series of articles from Jewish Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD   Allen Z. Hertz, formerly senior advisor in the Privy Council Office serving Canada’s...