Security Guarantees for Israel from the US – Remember the Sinai, 50 Years Ago

The Baker report, mandates that Israel... "Return the Golan to Syria, with US security guarantees to Israel" Exactly fifty years ago, Israel took the Sinai in a defensive war, with firm US security guarantees to...

FACTBOX-How rival Palestinian armed factions stack up

Here's how the Palestinian armed rivals stack up militarily: ABBAS'S PRESIDENTIAL GUARD With U.S. backing, Abbas's elite presidential guard has grown to at least 4,000 men, up from 2,500 members when Hamas took power in March. Last...

Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.:Sans Action, Iranian Bomb Just A...

"Without military action, an Iranian nuclear bomb is a matter of time," according to the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. A survey of the strategic balance in the Middle East in...

Abbas to use taxes transferred from Israel to pay PA security forces

A senior aide to Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday that the Palestinian Authority chairman will use some of the $100 million in tax rebates recently transferred by Israel to pay overdue salaries of the Palestinian...

Will the US decision to arm the Palestinian Authority’s Military Capability Backfire on the...

The day after the armed forces of Palestinian Authority President Machmud Abbas shared credit for the bombing of a bakery in the Israeli port city of Elat which claimed the lives of three young...

The signing of the Mecca agreement

Mecca - Ma'an exclusive - Fatah and Hamas have signed the Mecca agreement. The media advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Nabil 'Amr, read the text of the agreement and the letter of assignment...

The Illusion of “Peace in Exchange for Territories”

For years, especially since the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference, Arab leaders have repeated the mantra that peace with Israel hinges upon a withdrawal to the pre-1967 border. Similar rhetoric followed with the Arab Summit's...

Commentary on the summit between Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,...

It was a nonsensical bit of political theater in my opinion, and not much more: The "summit" today at which Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert, and PA President Mahmud Abbas...

Israeli Arabs: Emerging as a Fifth Column for Iran?

Among the Arab citizens of Israel, who constitute more than one million Israeli citizens and more than 15% of Israel's population, there is a widespread support for Iran. This has begun to worry the...

Commetary: Post Independence Day Observations

Two pieces have come to my attention that I would like to share. The first is by Michael Freund, who, in "A Broom and a Flag," tells the story of Rabbi Avraham Yaakov, who...