Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah said his Iranian-sponsored militia has deployed more than 20,000 rockets in southern Lebanon. Nasrallah, in his first appearance since the 34-day war with Israel ended on August 14, prodid not identify...


Israel's military has been ordered not to respond to Palestinian missile strikes. Israeli military sources said Southern Command was banned from sending ground troops into the northern Gaza Strip to halt Palestinian gunners. They said the...

Israel – The American Interest

The question of whether Israel is or is not an asset to the United States is one we rarely bother to ask ourselves. Time and again, we see prominent Americans -- presidents of the...

Commentary on Lieberman Entry into the Israeli government

Avigdor Lieberman, head of the Yisrael Beitenu (Israel our home) party has done a splendid demonstration of how a self-serving politician acts. He claims he's acting for the good of the nation -- in...

Arabs have no choice but to possess nuclear arms

Amid a flurry of recent reports about North Korea's nuclear test, Egypt was mentioned as the sole Arab country with the potential to make a substantial nuclear development because Cairo declared the resumption of...

Is the Olmert Administration taking the situation in Gaza seriously?

This week the IDF pulled out from the Philadelphi Corridor after only searching some 10% of the 15 kilometer long band that separates between Egyptian Sinai and the Gaza Strip. The soldiers weren't withdrawn because...


Islamic Jihad has maintained a network along the border with Israel. Israeli security sources said the Iranian-sponsored Jihad has established a network in Bethlehem, adjacent to Jerusalem. The sources said Jihad used Bethlehem as a...

Hamas has established a control center for missile strikes against Israel

Hamas has been operating a C2 center to coordinate Kassam-class, short-range missile attacks against Israel. Israeli military sources said Hamas, with help from the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah, established several such centers in the northern Gaza...

Commentary: The Danger of Hudna

This past week Ma'ariv reported on a tentative plan being worked on, and reportedly covertly discussed between Israelis and Palestinians, that would involve a pullback from substantial parts of Judea-Samaria, establishment of a "provisional"...

PLO News Agency report of ceasefire makes no mention of arms smuggling or missile...

{with thanks to Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA for locating this article) President Orders Apparatuses to Follow up Halting Rockets towards Israel http://wafa.ps/english/body.asp?id=7656 GAZA, November 26, 2006, (WAFA - PLO news agency)- President Mahmoud Abbas...