Anti-Israel voices at AIPAC’s conference

The low point of the AIPAC policy conference came when Nancy Pelosi read a letter from J Street. The letter, officially authored by David Price and Gerry Connolly, urged opposing "unilateral actions by either...

The Palestinian Strategy: Internationalization of the Conflict Plus Intifada

On January 4, 2014, the East Jerusalem newspaper Al-Quds revealed the content of a conversation between Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, which dealt with the Palestinian motion...

What Will Happen Now with U.S. Middle East Policy? Turkish Reader: Haven’t you understood yet that the US does not care about whether a Muslim country is ruled by Sharia or by secular law as long as that regime is pro-American?...

US Administration Appears to Shift on the Hamas

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - The Bush administration is showing signs of easing its hard-line approach toward Hamas, in response to the militant group's rising political clout in the Palestinian territories and appeals for flexibility...

Anti-Israel content exposed in UN agency’s school textbooks, as lawmakers decry ‘systematic hatred’

Watch the latest video at A newly declassified report is shedding light on anti-Israel material found in U.S.-funded textbooks used by the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in Palestinian schools -- while faulting...


HERE ARE A FEW PIECES FILED ON THAT SUBJECT FOR THE PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN, A NEWSPAPER THAT CEASED PUBLICATION IN 2010 Bethlehem Churches Bear Brunt Of Religious Hatred By: David Bedein Jan 9 2008 Tense Relations Between Christians And...

The Slaughter in Paris: Motives and Implications

In executing and taking responsibility for the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, the Islamic State has three objectives: revenge against France for its military involvement in the international coalition to eliminate the...

Professor Elmasry’s Broken Pledge to Allah

When Professor Elmasry a panelist on Canadian talk show "Michael Coren Live" answered Coren's question "Anyone and everyone in Israel - irrespective of gender-over the age of 18 is a valid target?" with, "Yes,...

Carrots or sticks

Definition: a policy of offering a combination of reward and punishment to induce good behaviour. This motivational theory has been used by parents for generations when dealing with recalcitrant children and teens. It is also...

Pre-Occupied Israelis Again Quit Gaza, Without Achieving Goals

Israel, which is pre-occupied with Lebanon, pulled most of its forces from Gaza Tuesday morning, both Israel and the Palestinians said, without having achieved Israel's two main goals: The release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit,...