How to Tell the “Good Guys” in Syria”,%202013,%20GLORIA%20Newsletter Recently, an advocate of an attack on Syria remarked something along the following line to a much wiser expert: “Some nerds try to tell a balanced truth, but that’s not effective in making policy.” I was...

UNRWA: Turning Children into Terrorists Fresh information has surfaced suggesting UNRWA (United Nations Relief Works Agency) continues to undermine the peace process. A recently released documentary produced by the Center for Near East Policy Research provides evidence of how UNRWA...

Vive la Freeze!,0 Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman is back in Geneva, making another go at an interim agreement between Iran and the so-called E3/EU+3. (That's "E3" as in three European countries: Britain,...

Observation: Error in narrative of critics of Netanyahu could lead to disastrous policy conclusions Let's be clear about this: the bad deal that the United States rushed to sign - a deal that explicitly refers to Iran having the capability enrich uranium in the final arrangement, did not...

Are the P5+1 Waging a Campaign against the Military Option? Since the signing of the Geneva agreement, the P5+1 leaders, especially President Obama, have made numerous statements that challenge the very idea of a military option against Iran as a realistic option. Evidenced by...

As both sides wait for Kerry, the refugee camps boil The explosion Sunday on a bus in Bat Yam didn’t come as a surprise; far from it. The territories are generally heating up, with the feeling that the political process is going nowhere, the expanded...

The ‘refugee’ diversion Words play a central role in the conflict with the Palestinians. They influence the way we perceive it, as well as the probability of finding a solution. That is why it is strange that...

Weapons found at dead Palestinian ambassador’s residence in Prague – police Some unregistered weapons were found at the Palestinian mission in Prague, where the ambassador was killed by an explosion while opening a safe a day before, Czech police reported. The investigators working at the scene...

Unanswered Letter To Press Section Of Us Embassy, Tel Aviv

Date: Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:00 AMSubject: Response to Hitler emulation curriculum in the PA, Please communicate your response to the incitement index of the Palestinian Authority: The following article describes the response of the...

How migrant workers got to Israel: a case in Sderot, one mile from the...

Three years ago, a young man in Sderot got a phone call from his landlord to vacate his rental apartment in Sderot, one mile from Gaza. The landlord explained to his surprised tenant that a...