The house of the hill – in Brussels and in Ramallah

Why has Europe begun to question its role in the Palestinian financial system? A recent diplomatic conference highlighted the problems of the Palestinian economy; strikes, corruption, high unemployment, and more. The event was hosted...

Ending illusion of peace-seeking Abbas,7340,L-4512842,00.html Mahmoud Abbas ' decision to join forces with the Hamas terror organization, whether it happens or not, is nothing other than a slap in the face of anyone who saw him as a "partner,"...

Arab Spring Indeed? The upheaval in the Arab world, which began in Tunisia, spread into Egypt, Yemen and Libya and reached Syria in mid-March 2011, has dramatically shaken and transformed the Middle East. The sequence of events...

Why Israel is shifting eastward

Slowly but surely Israel is pivoting toward the East. Years ago that would have been a most unexpected development. After all, most of Israel’s population originated from Europe, and most of its leadership had...

Weekly Commentary: Washington accepts terror state – only requires English Let's read this incredibly shocking passage together: "Well, we condemn all rocket attacks from Gaza. We would also expect President Abbas to do so as he has in the past, and we expect the Palestinian...

ISIS: A Risk Assessment Recent events in Iraq are liable to give new impetus to the ideas and the path that ISIS represents, which are shared by many terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East and beyond. Its...


There are many people in Israel who feel like these past two weeks have been the longest two weeks in their lives. Since the moment the abduction became public knowledge, the tension is palpable....

How Hillary Clinton Enabled Hamas’ Construction of Terror Tunnels Much has been said and written about the terror tunnels that Hamas built in Gaza. But too little has been said about who it was that put the cement into Hamas’ hands, thus making...

On Kristallnacht Anniversary: Iran’s Ayatollah Releases Nine-Point Program for the Destruction of the Jewish...

With the release of the Ayatollah’s genocidal calls for the destruction of the Jewish State, (first posted in July 2014 and reposted on November 9th), Israel is right to take the Ayatollah at his...

Palestinians are “Desperate” for…

On January 1, 2015, the New York Times editorial page led with a piece titled “The Palestinians Desperation Move.” The opinion piece advanced the case that acting Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas must be...