A Strategic Assessment

This piece assesses the implications of the Sharon government's success last week in pushing through its Gaza withdrawal plan, in terms of historically unprecedented nature of this step and its legally dubious nature, then...

Abandoning synagogues in Gaza, No Legal Responsibility for Jews’ Belongings

IDF Radio reported today that senior security sources advised IDF Radio that in contrast to previous statements by Israeli Government officials that all synagogues would be removed from the Gaza Strip, only "symbolic elements"...

The United States Wants Cheap Oil and Democracy

Since World War II, the United States' abiding relationship with Saudi Arabia has been based on mutual interest. The United States wanted a reliable source of inexpensive oil; Saudi Arabia's rulers wanted American expertise,...

For Second Day in a Row, Official Palestinian Media Accuses Israel of Murdering Arab...

Israel is using electronic search machines that kill Palestinians with radiation poisoning, the official Palestinian media declared again on Saturday, April 30th, for the second straight day. Palestinian state television from Gaza reported Saturday that...

“Evacuation Liable to Fatally Damage Water”

"The implementation of the disengagement plan in northern Samaria will make it possible for the Palestinians-on the assumption that there is no coordination and agreement with Israel-to pump 50 million cubic meters of water...

Hamas, Internal Strife, Old Film Clips on PBC TV Against Israel

June 17, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media has been giving small coverage to Palestinian-Israeli meetings (June 15/June16), describing the meetings sparingly , occasionally positively (PBC Television June 15/16). Reports on preparations for a summit...

The Unreported Story

Introduction 16 days after the Iranian revolution of 1979 Yasser Arafat was the first foreign leader who visited Ayatollah Khomeini. This was a historic visit for many reasons. Ayatollah Khomeini gave the PLO its own...

IDF Announcement About Why The IDF Acted To Evict All Residents From the Hotel....

â€01/07/2005 12:10 www.idf.il IDF Spokesperson Announcement Temporary limitation of entry to the Gaza Strip following radicalization of the activities of factors opposing the disengagement plan. During the past 24 hours, factors opposing the disengagement have radicalized their activities...

Is “Disengagement” the Answer?

That Jews need to be "disengaged" from the Arabs is not a new idea. In July 1937 the British issued the Palestine Royal Peel Commission that concluded: "An irrepressible conflict has arisen between two...

Israel Hands Over Sa-Nur in Samaria to Terrorists: HAMAS AND El-Aksa Martyrs Brigades:[Violation of...

Enthusiastic fingers raised in the air in a victory sign, debka dancing, Palestinian and Hamas flags, giant pictures of Yasser Arafat and "engineer" Yihya Ayash, and hoarse, rhythmic chanting of slogans-"Kassam, revenge, revenge," "From...