UNbridled, UNbelievable HYPOCRISY…writes Michael Kuttner

When it comes to Israel it seems that there are no depths to which the United Nations and its associated agencies will plummet. The recent performance however of this corrupted organization must earn it first...

Palestinian Authority Funding to Terrorists and their Families

-http://jcpa.org/palestinian-authority-funding-terrorists-families/ Blood Money Incitement The Palestinian Authority (PA) is responsible for one more nefarious form of incitement to attack Jews – paying large bounties to the attackers and their families. An attacker can go out to...

Israeli centrist leader finds himself alone in battle against UN agency

Over the past few weeks, reports have reached Israel that the new Canadian government is planning to renew its support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The UNRWA helps Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East, with...

Mixed messages…writes Michael Kuttner

It is not always easy to decide whether expressions of appreciation are genuine messages of solidarity or merely politically expedient and opportunist attempts to curry support. Sifting the genuine from the duplicitous can be difficult...

Justice in Jerusalem: Written hours after burial of a 4 day old Jewish infant,...

A little more than two years ago, the Forward broke the story, with clear documentation that the nascent Palestinian Authority had actually established a formal killer incentive system to award those who murder Jews. A...

Because it is our right

A now-forgotten media debate that took place over 30 years ago is still relevant today. A group of highly decorated generals, retired career military, argued authoritatively that the settlements were of no value from...

Hamas’ Goals, Strategy, and Miscalculations

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation No. 644      This article is part of the forthcoming Jerusalem Center research report: The Gaza War 2021: The Iranian and Hamas Attack on Israel. The...

Rejuvenation || ‘Hebron Breaks the Silence’

Tzipi Schlissel’s book, 'Hebron Breaks the Silence', is a collection of vignettes on what is really happening in Hebron that has now been translated into English. She speaks with Eve Harow about how the murder of...

Policy Statement

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, focuses research on the Palestinian Authority & UNRWA, both of which foster Jihad. The PA and UNRWA inherit polices imposed on Palestinan Arabs by the Mufti of...

BLINKEN’S SCOREBOARD “actions that could raise tensions” – 4 for Israel 1 for Palestinians...

BLINKEN'S SCOREBOARD "actions that could raise tensions" - 4 for Israel 1 for Palestinians (no mention of Palestinian violence) Dr. Aaron Lerner 27 March 2022 BLINKEN'S SCOREBOARD "actions that could raise tensions": ISRAEL: 1. Settlement expansion 2. Settler violence 3. Demolitions 4....