March Madness

As explained by Wikipedia, “mad as a March hare” is a common British English phrase, both today and in Lewis Carroll’s time in the 1800s. This March seems no exception as far as Israel is...

‘An ugly scar on Israel’s justice system’

Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who represented Amiram Ben Uliel before the Supreme Court, claims that Ben Uliel’s confession was obtained under torture and should be treated as such. Feldman was hosted on Arutz 7 Hebrew site against a backdrop...

Document at UNRWA site admits UNRWA’s definition of “refugee” is not valid in international...

The UN Human Rights Council issued a document last week by its reliably anti-Isrsel team of "experts" demanding that Palestinian "refugees" have the right to "return" under international law. Right of return of Palestinian refugees must be...

Rabbi Leo Dee calls on Netanyahu to end financial support to PA

Leo Dee, who lost his wife Lucy and his two daughters Maya and Rina in shooting attack in the Jordan Valley, addressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning (Wednesday) and called on him to...

Climate Change

One of the “hottest” topics gaining increasing attention these days is the phenomenon of climate change. Opinions vary as to whether it is man-made or, instead, a natural climatic cycle that has been repeated...

‘Will not allow U.S. to use our land to attack Iran’, Qatar, Kuwait say

Amid a fresh warning that Iran will attack Israel within 48 hours, the United States of America has said that Iran should not engage in any provocative actions. “They will have to respond. It is...

End Your (Personal) Wandering in the Desert

This week we read Pashi'ot Matot and Mas'ei, Parshat Mas'ei begins with the words “Eleh mas'ei”- These are the journeys of Bnei Yisrael. The Torah describes – in painstaking detail – each and every...

Saudis Will Not Help in Iraq Attack

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- America's closest ally in the Persian Gulf -- Saudi Arabia -- also could be its toughest challenge in building support for a military attack on Iraq. Saudi resistance, spelled...

Will the Whitewash of Arafat Continue?

February 26, 1998 Rosh Hodesh Adar 5758 Mr. Abe Foxman Executive Director ADL, The Anti-Defamation League Dear Mr. Foxman, Hodesh Tov. The annunal comprehensive international compendium on antisemitism, published by Tel Aviv University with partial funding from ADL in Israel, has...

Press Conference by Minister Louis Farrakhan of Nation of Islam

The Secretary-General was successful in his efforts to avert a catastrophe that could have affected the whole world because he spoke on behalf of the Security Council and also because he listened to the...