Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio Late November 27th and Early November 28th

Summary and Analysis Beginning in the afternoon and through the evening, PA officials hinted broadly at their repudiation of "partial" or "gradual" solutions that have been floated in the Israeli press. A more detailed repudiation...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 4th

Summary and Analysis VOP charged Monday morning that the Israeli army was giving back-up fire in support of settlers attacking citizens in Husan near Bethlehem who were trying to carry out a massacre of Palestinians...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 12th

Radio Analysis and Excerpts: The Voice of Palestine-Dec 12 > SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS The death of Islamic Jihad agent Anwar Ahmad Humran was treated as a top item by VOP during its evening broadcasts Dec...

Official Palestinian Authority Radio Broadcast on Voice of Palestine: Dec. 20

Summary and Analysis VOP returned Wednesday to its traditional news openings, focusing on local reporting and lists of martyrs, funerals and wounded-especially civilian youths and security personnel. At the same time, it gave generally low-key...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 11th

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine denied Israeli reports of progress in security talks held Wednesday night, and it reported extensively on Palestinian diplomatic efforts and public demonstrations to have Israeli leaders and officers...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 10th

Summary and Analysis The Palestinian Authority is signaling the end of the Clinton era in the Middle East. The PA has said thank you to Clinton, and now it will shop elsewhere. "There is no escaping putting...

Official PA radio news: The Voice of Palestine: January 22

Summary and Analysis VOP featured comments from several high-level PA officials participating in talks with Israel who took a generally pessimistic view of the negotiations, while advancing a firm Palestinian bargaining stance. Jibril Rajoub said the...

Official PA Radio News, 13th Febuary, 2001

Assassination Aftermath Bulletin, 2 p.m. Following the assassination this morning of Mas'oud Ayyad, an officer in the Palestinian elite unit known as Force 17, V.O.P. reacted with extensive live local coverage detailed condemnations from the...

Official Fatah Website Editorial: A Storm in a Broken Cup

Even during the most dangerous wars in 1967, in 1973 and during the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982, nobody held his breath as the whole area is doing now while waiting for Sharon...

A Campaign Of Organized Terrorism Throughout Israel

This is no longer the question of a single terrorist operation, but rather of a campaign of organized terrorism thought the country: Suicide bombers, car bombs, shooting and bombs. The objective of the terrorists...