Israel Communist Party: Legitimate to Attack IDF troops

A tempest erupted in the Knesset in the wake of a bill introduced by the Hadash faction, saying that the armed struggle by Palestinians against IDF soldiers in the territories should be considered legitimate...

Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire and Security plan, Proposed by CIA Director George Tenet, Which Took Effect...

The US Embassy in Tel Aviv has written to Israel Resource that the US has never published the Tenet plan, which has been widely discussed as the basis of current negotiations between Israel and...

Arafat: “Camps De Jure are Under the Sovereignty of the UN and Operated by...

Ramallah, 15th March, 2002 In a joint press conference with the Secretary of State for Development Aid Eddy Bountmans, President Arafat reiterated the necessity of implementing all signed agreements by Israel. Commenting on a question related...

Al Qaeda Attack on Israel in the North? Is the US Restraining an Israeli...

At 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12, 2002, Israeli intelligence dropped an accidental bombshell during a routine briefing provided by the IDF for the foreign press at the Beit Agron International Press Center. The IDF...

Arab leaders Organize Protests

Cairo, Egypt (AP) - The crowds are large and their chants fiery, but Arab protests - such as those against Israel's pressure on Yasser Arafat - are often used and even choreographed by the...

Friends of the CIA? – The Palestinian Militias

On a visit to Washington a year ago, Palestinian security chief Jibril Rajoub proudly showed off an armor-plated limousine that he said the Central Intelligence Agency "always provides me when I am here." Last...

Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

“Sharon Gets His Chance to Fail” For the first time since Ariel Sharon was elected prime minister of Israel on February 7, 2001, his policies will be put to the test by the Israeli public and world opinion. Having come...

PLO Military Commander Dahlan Endorses Mitzna

On one of the first nights of Operation Defensive Shield, when Ramallah was under siege and soldiers were searching every house, Mohammed Dahlan phoned Avi Gil, until recently the Foreign Ministry director general, and...

The Significance of the Appointment of Elliott Abrams as the Senior Director for Near...

Sometimes the Washington press corps reports a story, but entirely misses its significance. This was the case with last week's naming of Elliott Abrams to the position of senior director for Near East and...