Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks

What the Palestinian Authority Did Not Tell the UN Security Council

By Khaled Abu Toameh What the Palestinians did not tell the Security Council is that the state they seek to establish is one that does not respect public freedoms, first and foremost freedom of expression....

Has the Trump Plan been hijacked?

The “Trump Plan”, launched last January, imposed unprecedented requirements upon the Palestine Liberation Organization, as a “predicate” for the PLO - aka Palestinian Authority - to gain state recognition. Such requirements distinguish this US administration...

The school books of the Palestinian Authority

PA school books present all of the six mil- lion Jewish citizens. as colonizing settlers mo- tivated by racist sentiments (History Studies, Grade 12 (2018) p. 5) who occu- pied Palestine, massacred and...

The lethal indoctrination of children in Palestinian education

Signaling yet another unfortunate reversal of Trump-era policies, President Joe Biden was in Bethlehem on July 15 to affirm U.S. support for the long-aggrieved Palestinians. During his meeting with Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, Biden...

UNRWA Spreads Jihad to Schoolkids in Palestine With U.S. Tax Dollars

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) of which the U.S. is the largest donor with a 2013 contribution of $130 million, is radicalizing small schoolchildren into Islamic jihad terrorism. A horrific example of...

UNRWA school holds ceremony celebrating stabbing attacks

"On October 20, as Israelis were being stabbed and run over daily by Palestinians, the UNRWA Gaza City camp school "A" held a ceremony supporting the stabbings and car rammings... Here are some of...

Is It of Any Concern to the Donor Nations to the Palestinian Authority?

Peace Education Now? While the world media descended on Israel to cover the hard fought Israel prime ministerial election campaign between dovish Labor incumbent Ehud Barak and hawkish Likud challenger Ariel Sharon, the international press...

Will Bush Fund ‘Education For War’ Curriculum?

This week, President Bush, meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, announced that the U.S. government will renew funding for "humanitarian needs" of the Palestinian Authority, on the assumption, as Bush emphasized, that this...

Israeli Group Monitoring Palestinian media

The recent Palestinian presidential election campaign, widely applauded for complying with democratic norms, was actually riddled with voter fraud, intimidation and unbalanced pre-election media coverage, says an Israeli observer of Palestinian political life. Michael Widlanski,...

Canada Israel Committee (CIC) says Canada Subsidizes Purchase of Anti-Israel Books

Canadian taxpayers are helping subsidize the purchase of school textbooks used in Palestinian refugee camps, which "demonize, delegitimize and deny Israel's place in the region," the Canada-Israel Committee (CIC) says. Canada contributes $10-$12 million...