Lawmakers call for defunding UN schools after film shows Palestinian kids praising ISIS

U.S. lawmakers want to cut off funds to United Nations-run schools where a new documentary shows kids as young as 13 declaring they want to kill Jews and join ISIS. The documentary, “The UNRWA Road...

Gaza UNRWA director Bo Schack complains about the humanitarian situation for the residents of...

Interview: UNRWA official urges efforts to ease humanitarian crisis in Gaza A senior United Nations (UN) official has said that the Palestinian population in Gaza in general, and refugees in particular, have suffered enough, urging...

Swings and roundabouts || The AlephBet Israel Blog

UNRWA has been unquestioningly exposed as covering up for and supporting the Hamas regime. Surely the organization has to be disbanded now? Netanyahu continues to project confidence that Israel will win the war, but...

A report on UNRWA teachers’ incitement to jihadist terrorism and antisemitism

A REPORT ON UNRWA TEACHERS’ INCITEMENT TO JIHADIST TERRORISM AND ANTISEMITISM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report exposes more than 40 Facebook pages operated by school teachers, principals, and other employees of the United Nations Relief and Works...

How UNRWA spend funds

Operating within a resource-constrained environment, and reliant on voluntary funding, UNRWA allocates its limited resources among the services we provide to Palestine refugees, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. The UNRWA budget structure reflects...

Senator Risch is holding up US funding for UNRWA? Kudos to him!

Can there be a difference between one’s obligations and one’s actions? Well, we all are supposed to be good citizens — but somehow, the jails are full, so the answer to that question is...

Press release for new e-book; Where has all the flour gone: the whims and... new-book-exposes-us-and-un-for-funding-terrorism-236520.php September 21, 2011 /EIN Presswire/ -- The United Nations refugee policy funds the teaching of terrorist ideals and practices within refugee camp schools. This claim is one of many veteran news reporter and commentator...

When will the media remember that UNRWA has diverted funds to HAMAS?

Now that documentation emerges that WORLD VISION diverted funds to HAMAS, when will the media remember that UNRWA has diverted funds to HAMAS? This is one of many pieces about the World Vision/Hamas connection ...

The ​Time Has Come for UNRWA Reform: A Solution to the Palestinian Refugee Dilemma

A mantra is repeated almost every day in Middle East parlance: the need for a policy initiative that would extract the region from a simmering status quo which can only lead to a violent outcome. Israel,...

The anti-semitism underlying UNRWA-USA fundraising

Here is UNRWA's chart describing the number of registered "refugees" under its purview in each of the five areas it works. If you look at the American Friends of UNRWA fundraising site, however, you find...