Analysis: Cutting UNRWA aid will not cause a humanitarian crisis

Yochanan Visser is an independent journalist/analyst who worked for many years as Middle East correspondent for Western in Arizona and was a frequent publicist for the main Dutch paper De Volkskrant. He authored a book in...

Australian Handout An Aid To extremism

ON 29 May 2012, then-minister for foreign affairs Bob Carr signed an agreement with then-UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) head Filippo Grandi, to provide $90 million for Palestinian refugees for...

UNRWA goes to war

UNRWA Aids Hamas Military Wing , While the US – The Biggest UNRWA Funder-...

Over the past week, the World Vision, a well-known humanitarian organization, was formally accused and indicted for secretly aiding military activities of Hamas, designated as an FTO by the US – a “Foreign Terror...

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre

Children in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA  began their school year on Sept. 1, only instead of the promised education reforms, their schools continue to use the same books that have been heavily criticized...

ישראל, יהודים ושלום בספרי הלימוד של הרש”פ בשימוש בבתיה”ס של אונר”א היום

הקדמה נייר זה מעדכן דו"ח קודם בכותרת "התפקיד החינוכי הבעייתי של אונר"א בסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני". -, סקר את תרומתה של אונר"א להנצחת הסכסוך המזרח2017הדו"ח האמור, שיצא לאור בספטמבר תיכוני ע"י השימוש במשך עשרות שנים בספרי...

UNRWA media advisor pushes anti-Israel fauxtography (UPDATE)

UNRWA media advisor Adnan Abu Hasna has a high-profile job in Gaza. Here he is with then-EU foreign affairs head Catherine Ashton: And with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon:   Here is what the Facebook page of...

The Dark Reality Of PLO And UNRWA Policies

For decades, I advocated for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, believing that it could bring about a lasting peace in the region. I was convinced that Israel had a genuine partner in...

Our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with...

Last week, our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with experts on the subject of UNRWA policies. The following letter to the US Ambassador to Israel presents five...