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Shin Bet accuses World Vision leadership in Gaza of funding terrorism

Israel is accusing a family of Palestinians with a leading role in humanitarian relief in Gaza, working both with charities and UN agencies of funding terrorism. World Vision Israel security agency Shin Bet arrested Mohamad Halabi,...

The US Should Halt UN Aid for Hamas

Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, has arrested two aid workers this summer and charged them with funneling funds to Hamas, the terrorist group that controls the Gaza Strip, according to reports. A substantial...

Hamas Accidentally Digs Wrong Way, Floods Tunnels With Seawater

Khan Younis Refugee Camp, July 27 – Hundreds of Hamas personnel and civilian workers in the underground system crisscrossing this militant stronghold were forced above ground today when a team of laborers was misdirected...

UN school students taught to kill Jews

Camera crews visiting United Nations-funded schools for Palestinians have uncovered new evidence that teachers are indoctrinating students with extremism and anti-Semitism. “Stabbing and running over Jews brings dignity to the Palestinians,” one boy studying at...

Skrivelserna till EU och USA sändebud för att bekämpa antisemitism

18 juli 2016 Ms Katharina Von Schurbein EU-koordinator på bekämpning av Antisemitism Generaldirektoratet för rättsliga och konsumenter Europeiska kommissionen | Office M059 05/059 | B-1049 Bryssel Rue Montoyer / Montoyerstraat 59, B-1000 Bruxelles / Brussel + 32-2-298.14.08 | M....

Nytt om Terrorism och Israel-Palestina konflikten

Översikt *Den 30 juni och 1 Juli 2016, vid slutet av den muslimska religiösa månaden Ramadan, hände en serier av knivattacker och skjutnings attacker där två israeler dödades: -skjutning från förbipasserande bil på Route 60, söder...


July 18th, 2016 Ms. Katharina Von Schurbein EU Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism Directorate-General For Justice and Consumers European Commission | Office M059 05/059 | B-1049 Brussels Rue Montoyer/Montoyerstraat 59, B-1000 Bruxelles/Brussel + 32-2-298.14.08 | M. +32-498-98140 Twitter @kschnurbein Dear Ms. Katharina Von...

Solving the Problems of Europe…In Israel

I was advised to remove all of my jewelry indicating I was Jewish before getting on the airplane to France very recently. France’s reputation for violent anti-Semitism truly precedes it on a global scale, and...

Administration Defends UN-Funded, Anti-Israel Textbooks for Palestinians

U.S. taxpayers provide nearly $400 million a year to a United Nations program that critics say sends anti-Semitic, anti-Israel textbooks to schools for Palestinian refugees. An elementary school textbook calls the 1948 establishment of Israel...

U.S. funding anti-Israel curriculum in U.N.-run schools

U.S. tax dollars are paying for hateful anti-Semitic curriculum in United Nations Palestinian Authority schools, as the Obama administration reportedly refuses to offer transparency or responsibility in the matter. Efforts by InterMountain Christian News correspondent...