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Palestinian National Council defends UNRWA teaching material against EU allegation

The President of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), Salim Al-Zanoun, has defended the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) over allegations about teaching "hate speech and violence" in its schools, Sama news agency...

UNRWA youth on parade

Thousands of Hamas terrorists held an anti-Israel rally in the Gaza Strip while being cheered by women and children a week after a ceasefire with the Jewish state came into force. The masked members of...

The UNRWA Campaign Against David Bedein

A vicious memo about David Bedein has been circulated by UNRWA over the last seven years. The UNRWA attack on Bedein's credibility alleged that the media outlet Arutz Sheva had retracted David's articles, that David...

Textbooks used in UNRWA schools

The Palestinian Authority describes itself as “the State of Palestine” and considers itself a full state under foreign occupation the boundaries of which are not restricted to the 1967 lines. The name “the State...

UNRWA’s False Façade of Neutrality

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: UN NGOs have a long history of attempting to sell their own neutrality and even-handedness. UNRWA stands out as an agency that has abused its diplomatic immunity to transform itself into a Palestinian...

Criticism of UNRWA – is Switzerland paying for Hamas rockets?

Hamas missiles are intercepted by anti-missile missiles over Israel. As soon as an enemy missile approaches, the Israelis fire defensive missiles into the air. Israel under constant fire: over 3,100 rockets were fired from the Gaza...

POWER POINT – Textbooks Used in UNRWA Schools

The Palestinian Authority describes itself as “the State of Palestine” and considers itself a full state under foreign occupation the boundaries of which are not restricted to the 1967 lines. The name “the State...

This is the time to disarm UNRWA refugee camps to save lives

May 14th 2021 Dr. Darko Mocibob Deputy Director Middle East And West Asia Division Dept. of Political Affairs The UNITED NATIONS mocibob@un.org cc Rabbi Abraham Cooper Associate Dean  Simon Wiesenthal Center acooper@wiesenthal.com Dear Dr. Mocibob, Our professional journalists, based in Gaza, report that missiles launched at all...

Upgrading UNRWA Investigations: Creating a Multilingual Studio

The next stage of ​The Nahum Bedein Center's ​UNRWA ​investigation​s ​will document UNRWA ​culture​,  ​and ​work with television crews ​on location in UNRWA facilities which in ​​Judea​, ​​Samaria, Jerusalem and Gaza, ​working with a new central studio in Jerusalem. ​UNRWA​.org promotes UNRWA culture.​ UNRWA.org​ promotes children...