Michael Kuttner


Incoming high tide warning

The high priests of climate change are predicting that in the near future we may be engulfed by rising ocean levels. Rising temperatures are certainly...

Somewhere over the rainbow

As we read in the Torah portion, Noach, the rainbow became a symbol that God would not destroy the world by flood again. These days...

Brick walls

In our journey through life, we more often than not encounter brick walls. Sometimes they impede our progress while we devise strategies to circumvent them...

Yomai Hadin – Days of Judgement

We have, according to Jewish tradition, ten days in which we can hope to alter any Divine decree made about us on Rosh Hashanah. It...

One step forward and two steps back

It’s that time of the (Jewish) year again when we take stock of the past and pray for a better future in the year...

Imbecilic insanity

Former United Kingdom Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is reported as having called the American Administration’s total pullout from Afghanistan as imbecilic. A quoted remark made...

Questionable friends

“In life, we never lose friends, we only learn who the TRUE ones are.” This unattributed quote came to mind as Afghans were being thrown...

Whistling in the wind

Trying unsuccessfully to change something which cannot be changed is the simple meaning of “whistling in the wind." This definition perfectly encapsulates most of the...

Band-aids don’t work

Trying to staunch major traumas with band-aids is a losing strategy. The following quote I read recently precisely sums up some of the challenges we...

Boycotters’ fiesta

Fiestas originated in pagan traditions and became celebrated events under Spanish rule. Michael Kuttner It is rather fitting that fiestas have a Spanish flavour because the...