Abbas Refused Offer to Resettle Refugees in Sinai Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz PA President Mahmoud Abbas has refused an offer by a senior Egyptian official to resettle “Palestinian refugees” in the Sinai, according to a report in the Middle East Monitor on Monday. According...

Summer anti-Semitic Demonstrations The gate to an UNRWA facility in Gaza. Photo Credit: Wissam Nassar/FLASH90 During the summer of 2014, more than 100  synchronized  anti-Semitic demos occurred across the face of the earth.  As an MSW practitioner of community...

Israel’s Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land There is considerable confusion about the recent action of Israel’s civil administration declaring 988 acres of West Bank territory as state land. In general, West Bank territory may be divided into three legal categories:...

UNRWA and Coalition of Muslim Relief Organizations Sign Cooperative Agreement for Work in Gaza The first stage is to work on the emergency response and to ensure families are fed, provided with clean water, and have access to essential healthcare. Once this is done, we will look to...

“Remembering and Continuing”

We just returned from the special evening of "Remembering and Continuing," a program for the entire student body of 350+ boys, Rabbis and parents at Makor Chaim Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion. The yeshiva was...

Editor’s Special Report: Behind the Scenes At the Ha’aretz Peace Conference and My Shift... Before I begin describing what I encountered at the Ha’aretz Peace Conference, let me begin by explaining that some 25 years ago, at the age of 25 I co-founded the Winnipeg Chapter of the...

Hamas: Attempts to demilitarize Gaza “worthless”

Hamas: Attempts to demilitarize Gaza 'worthless' Published yesterday (updated) 30/08/2014 22:36 GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The Hamas movement said Saturday that any attempts to disarm Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza are "worthless." Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri...

PSR post ceasfire poll of Palestinians: Haniyeh 61% Abbas 32%., Hamas 46% Fatah 31%...   "As expected, and as we saw in previous instances during and immediately after Israeli wars with Hamas, findings show a spike in the popularity of Hamas and its leaders and a major decline in...

Former MK: Treat UNRWA as a Hostile Palestinian Organization

Former MK Dr. Einat Wilf argued, in a column that appeared in Israel Hayom Sunday, that it is necessary to call the bluff of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and show...