Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...

How an Innocuous Children Book Award Conference Became a Forum for Israel Bashing

The IBBY Jubilee Congress In Basel: You wouldn't believe it Last week I was honored to represent Israel at the International Congress on Children's Literature that took place in Basel, Switzerland, since my book "The...

Peace talks are officially off the table,7340,L-4575334,00.html The wall behind the speakers' podium at the United Nations General Assembly hall is greenish – an unusual color in halls of this kind. It's quite possible that it is green with shame. The...
Arabs view Dome of the Rock on Jerusalem's Temple MountNati Shohat/Flash 90

The Muslim Schism over Jerusalem

Vol. 15,  No. 30   September 22, 2015 Amid the systematic destruction of mosques and holy places in the Arab world, it is precisely Israel’s responsibility for security at the mosque compound on the Temple Mount that...

Abbas and Hamas stage non-peaceful rage

As per the pre-determined script designed for media and gullible politicians alike, Jerusalem Day and shifting the US Embassy to the Capital produced the desired results…writes Michael Kuttner. Combined with the annual frenzy associated with...

The Palestinian Authority sponsors terrorism, and the Taylor Force Act has finally put it...

The stunning acknowledgment by Congress through the passage of the Taylor Force Act that the Palestinian Authority has laws in place and budgets allocated to paying terrorists and their families has changed the narrative...


Swiss Ambassador Ruch photo by Rhonda Spivak Ambassador Jean-Daniel Ruch, Special Representative of Switzerland for the Middle East, said at a session at the recent J Street convention in Washington in March 2011 that in Gaza...

Islam and Jerusalem march-18-2012-islam-and-jerusalem.html On March 14, I attended a conference that considered the question, "Jerusalem: How Important Is It to the Muslims?" Held at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, it was jointly sponsored by the Center and...

Problematic Educational Role of UNRWA in the Middle East War

UNRWA's Educational Activity in the Middle East UNRWA - the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East - was established in the wake of the Arab-Israeli war of...

The War with Hamas: Address by Israel’s Ambassador to the UK

This week Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub travelled to Bradford in northern England after George Galloway MP declared it an "Israel-free zone." After meeting with local councillors and officials, he addressed local community and faith...