Crying Need for UNRWA to Come Clean on Gaza What’s worse than a United Nations agency that provides massive welfare and support services to a Palestinian enclave run by terrorists? Well, how about having that same agency run by a loquacious Swiss national who...

NAKBA: The Palestinian Arabs Miss Their Opportunity…

As Israel celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with appropriate pomp and circumstance, the new Palestine Authority, the entity that rules all of the Palestinian Arab population in Gaza and 95% of their population on the...

Statement Submitted by Investigative Reporter Lee Kaplan to the Haifa District Court, Regaring “Wrongful... My name is Lee Kaplan. I act as an investigative journalist who has been published internationally who writes on homeland security and terrorism issues. I am considered an expert on the ISM. I have...

Palestine Logo Suggests Elimination of Israel suggests-elimination-israel_594027.html The logo of “the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations” - on their website and on top of their official statements at the U.N. - shows the Palestinian Authority’s claim to...

Knesset Review Reveals: Israel Does Not Exist in PA Textbooks The textbooks used in UNRWA-funded schools never acknowledge any Jewish rights in “Palestine”, nor any Jewish past in the Land of Israel, said Dr. Arnon Groiss, a respected expert in the promotion of Tolerance...

Debunking UNRWA’s “Palestinian refugee” numbers

In a tour de force expose, contributor Sam Solomon demolishes the myth upon which so much of the United Nations Relief Works Agency’s (UNRWA) “work” is premised: “to carry out direct relief and works...

New US funds allocated to UNRWA ​in Gaza ​without any conditions attached

United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Palestinians in Gaza Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC September 22, 2014 Today, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States is providing more than...

Holocaust Remembrance Day Message: PLO are not Nazis

People often describe he PLO, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and their progeny, the PA the Palestinian Authority, as Nazis. As the author of  GENESIS OF THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY,  a  book on what it has been...

Fathom 20 | Burning money: the urgent need to rethink UNRWA

In many countries, it’s a serious offence to burn or destroy currency. Get caught doing it and you might find yourself with a fine or even prison time. However, by unconditionally funding the UN...