Israel’s Strategic Challenges: The Next Five Years Israel will face a complicated and challenging strategic landscape in the years to come. This, of course, could have been said at any point since 1948. Ever since the Zionist idea took the shape...

Israel Worried Over Syrian Plan

Officials said the sudden reversal by President Barack Obama, who pressured Israel and American Jews to support an attack on Syria, suggested that the administration was pursuing a reconciliation with Iran. They said Teheran...

Syrian army defector tells of dozens of chemical attacks Amman // A senior army officer and chemical-weapons specialist who defected from Bashar Al Assad’s forces says he was ordered by top regime officials to use poison gas in attacks on rebel-held areas. “I am...

Russia-Iran Axis Gets Access The original supposed intent of this whole Syria exercise--punishing Bashar al-Assad's use of chemical weapons--has achieved zero. In fact, it has backfired. "Russian credibility is not in question," my colleague Dr. Jonathan Spyer pointed out,...

Israel says will act if WMDs transferred to Hezbollah,7340,L-4428767,00.html As the international community tries to reach an understanding regarding Syrian chemical disarmament, Israel closely monitors the actions of President Bashar Assad. Officials made clear Wednesday night that Israel has not withdrawn, and the...

September 12, 2013: Yom Kippur Tomorrow eve ushers in the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. It is a day of personal soul searching and repentance, which we are told seals our fates for the year ahead. If we...

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2013 The degradation of Christian women living in the Islamic world continued in the month of June. In Syria, after the al-Qaeda linked rebel group conquered Qusair, a city of the governate of Homs, 15-year-old...

Al Qaida Dominates Much Of Syria Al Qaida, despite an offensive by the regime of President Bashar Assad, has been expanding throughout Syria, a report said. A U.S. think tank asserted that Al Qaida militias were dominating large areas of Syria...

U.S. Builds Israeli Military Bunker The United States has launched a project to build a massive bunker for Israel's military. The Defense Department has awarded a U.S. company a contract to build a bunker for Israel's military. The Pentagon awarded...

How to Tell the “Good Guys” in Syria”,%202013,%20GLORIA%20Newsletter Recently, an advocate of an attack on Syria remarked something along the following line to a much wiser expert: “Some nerds try to tell a balanced truth, but that’s not effective in making policy.” I was...