Samantha Power, Obama’s pick as America’s Ambassador to the UN, will fit right in ambassador_to_the_un_will_fit_right_in.html Samantha Power has been a notorious critic of Israel for years and that, naturally, makes her well-qualified under President Obama's criteria to serve in such a crucial post. She will be welcomed with open...

Hezbollah Involvement in the Syrian Civil War

For Iran and Hezbollah, the preservation of Bashar Assad's regime is of supreme strategic importance. Syria is Iran's greatest "resistance camp" ally, providing it with a firm foothold in the heart of the Middle...

Israel Worries Over Assad Offensive

Israel has been concerned that Syrian President Bashar Assad would defeat Sunni rebels over the next few months. Israel's intelligence community is closely following the Assad offensive against Sunni rebels in the spring of 2013....

Preferential treatment,7340,L-4384541,00.html The time has come to admit the truth: The world cares more about the life of a Palestinian than the life of a Syrian, Sudanese, Kenyan, Colombian or Congolese. This, quite simply, is an axiom,...

Scanned PA school book material, translated by Dr. Arnon Groiss

What follows are scanned Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, currently in use in the school system of the Palestinian Authority schools, the UNRWA schools, and the Arab schools in Jerusalem..Each book appears in a separate file....

Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation While European guilt over its colonialist past facilitates the acceptance of the Palestinian-as-victim narrative and while the latent, traditional anti-Semitism that culminated in the Holocaust has never been eliminated, Israel is still not quite...

Putin is unreliable; on to direct messages to Assad,7340,L-4383560,00.html The bellicose statements issued by senior defense officials regarding Syria in the last three days are not accidental. This time, it seems, it is not a case of too many public appearances by the...

Israel Warns Of Imminent War

Israel's military, struggling with a shooting war with Syria, has warned of an imminent multi-front conflict. Israel Air Force commander Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel issued one of the starkest warnings of an imminent war that...

Golan druze preparing for war

The mounting tension between Israel and Syria in the past number of days has prompted the Druze residents of the Golan Heights out of their complacency. While the Jewish residents of the Golan have...

May 16, 2013: Dead Serious The NYTimes ran a piece yesterday in which it directly quoted a "senior Israeli official" -- who according to the JPost had contacted the Times (emphasis added): "Israel is determined to continue to prevent the...