Anti-Israeli networks and activists from the Middle East and beyond intend to initiate propaganda... Overview 1. Regardless of the last flotilla's failure to reach the Gaza Strip, anti-Israeli organizations and activists intend to continue challenging Israel with "awareness-raising" events, including flotillas, convoys and fly-ins. In some instances, the behind-the-scenes...

Iran Signals Its Readiness for a Final Confrontation &TMID=111&FID=442&PID=0&IID=9990&TTL=Iran_Signals_Its_Readiness_ for_a_Final_Confrontation Since the publication of the November 2011 IAEA report, which explicitly spotlights Iran's plans to build nuclear weapons, senior figures of the Iranian regime and the state-run media have begun to use threatening, defiant,...

Palestinian Identity Theft Identity theft, in most jurisdictions, is a punishable offense. But in the United Nations, Palestinians are free -- indeed, encouraged -- to rob Israel of its history, heritage, and homeland. At times the United Nations...

The Palestinian Authority Does Not Meet UNESCO Standards authority-does-not-meet-unesco-standards/ After the vote of 193 UNESCO member countries, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education published today an interim report containing a preliminary summary of the findings of an extensive...

The Renewed Gaza War on Israel

Last Wednesday, Grad Katyusha rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza. On Saturday afternoon, the Israel Air Force hit a terrorist squad in Gaza that was preparing to launch additional long-range rockets. Reportedly,...

Gilad Shalit Release: Israel’s Joy Tempered by Memories of an Intifadeh,8599,2097192,00.html Israel was happy, very happy. The news of a deal to bring home the kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit arrived with the holiday of Sukkot, a traditionally cheerful weeklong harvest festival made effervescent by the...

Anatomy of a deal CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-4134431,00.html The military impasse, the stands taken by the Shin Bet and the Mossad, Hamas elasticizing its stance, the Arab Spring and the Palestinian bid in the UN - all of these contributed to Prime...

It Isn’t Israel in Danger of Disappearing, It’s The People Who Think That Way israel-in-danger-of-disappearing-it%E2%80%99s-the-people-who-think-that-way/ “...never send to know for whom the bell tolls It tolls for thee.” -John Dunne Rome, Italy I’m standing on the edge of the Roman Forum, by the Arch of Titus. This is the marble structure built by...

Terrorist Incidents against Jewish Communities and Israeli Citizens Abroad, 1968-2010 1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=624&PID=0&IID=8920&TTL=Terrorist_Incidents_ against_Jewish_Communities_and_Israeli_Citizens_Abroad,_1968-2010 â— The phenomenon of terrorism against Jewish communities and Israeli targets abroad represents the most violent aspect of contemporary anti-Semitism, and the greatest physical danger to Diaspora Jewish communities. The rational calculations of political...

Israeli Control of the Golan Heights: High Strategic and Moral Ground for Israel

Ever since Syria’s loss of the Golan Heights to Israel in the June 1967 Six Day War, the strategic plateau has been a matter of contention between the two states. Immediately after the war,...