Human rights organizations demand accountability for the perpetrators of attacks on peaceful gatherings, and...

Palestinian human rights organizations called for an emergency meeting held at Al-Haq Foundation, following the attacks by the security services on participants in the peaceful gatherings that were organized during the past days in...

Summer Camps

Despite Covid-19, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) held its annual summer camps, where Palestinian youths acquire paramilitary skills This summer the mobilization unit of the PIJ's military wing held its annual summer camps for youths...

What is the difference between the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research and...

While other organizations focus only on PA terror, PA media, or PA text books, the Bedein Center focuses on the total picture: 1) We challenge those who fund and conceptualize the war curriculum for the...

How Palestinian Arabs Have Been Transformed From Being the Aggressor to the Victim

Operation Guardian of the Walls According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the 11 days of Operation Guardian of the Walls, more than 4,360 rockets were intentionally launched at densely populated Israeli cities,...

Countering consistent deceit

When was the last time you heard or read a full-blooded counterattack against the daily barrage of lies aimed at Israel? I am not talking about an occasional “pareve” rebuttal by communal machers or restrained...

Ignore Noise, Focus on Mission

Who, or what, defines Israel, and why does it matter? If deeply concerning trends continue in the United States, research and ample anecdotal evidence indicate that those succeeding in affecting views toward Israel are...

Ten Lessons of the Recent Gaza War

Only time will tell whether Israel has been successful in buying for itself some time before it needs to “mow the grass” in Gaza again. In the meantime, Israel must learn from what transpired...

Activists and experts demand German transparency on UNRWA support

The Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research held a Zoom seminar this week in order to share research about the prevalence of anti-Israel hate education as an official part of the curriculum within...

Senator blocking $50m US aid to Palestine

Major United States Republican Senator James Risch is continuing to block $50 million in economic aid to Palestinians, despite promises of help by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The prevention has delayed vital...

The Palestinian Jihad Summer Camps

As the international community seeks ways to help the residents of the Gaza Strip after the recent war between Israel and Hamas... and PIJ are diverting their budgets to training children to become...