Whitewashing of Krähenbühl, image maintenance for UNRWA

Once again, anti-Semitic teaching material was found at the United Nations Palestinian Relief Agency - even though the organization had promised to fix this problem. Meanwhile, a film on French-speaking Swiss television is white washing...

Resurrection time has arrived

I never thought that this would ever happen in our lifetime but miraculously it is unfolding before our very eyes. While Maimonides spoke about the physical resurrection of the dead at a time which will...

Biden’s First Executive Orders Endanger U.S. National Security

ust hours after being sworn in as Commander-in-Chief Tuesday, President Joe Biden has signed a series of executive orders. Two of them specifically endanger U.S. national security. The first halts construction of the wall on...

UNRWA: Teaching Arab children to kill Jews

Israel365 News spoke with David Bedein, CEO & Founder at Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research & Israel Resource News Agency, about how UNRWA has been actively educating Arab children to wage Jihad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZlSmdsWA-s&feature=emb_title

How Does One Mistakenly Pass Out Textbooks Calling for Jihad?

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, the UN agency responsible for helping so-called “Palestinian refugees,” known as UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) says it “mistakenly included” children’s school textbooks for PA...

Response to JPOST revelations about UNRWA school curriculum

In response to the JPOST article of January 14, 2021 “UNRWA’s education filled with hate, calls to jihad and violence – report”- https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/unrwas-education-filled-with-hate-calls-to-jihad-and-violence-report-655282 As an agency which has examined all 1100 school books used by UNRWA...

Where is the call for UNRWA accountability from UNRWA donor nations?

Throughout 2020, UNRWA issued weekly emergency appeals, claiming that they have no resources – again? Yet on March 15, 2020, UNRWA posted on its site that 47 nations had pledged close to one billion dollars to UNRWA this...

UN relief agency contacts Biden office for resuming funds

The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has contacted US President-elect Joe Biden's office on resuming American financial support to the Palestinian refugees, a top official said here. Addressing a news conference on Thursday, Commissioner-General...

Inoculate, insinuate, intimidate and inaugurate

The week leading up to 20 January 2021 is proving to be chock full of action on many fronts. Those of us who have been around for quite some time can almost write the script...


The classic Christian anti-Semitism of the European countries began to take root in the Arab-Muslim World as a widespread phenomenon in the early twentieth century. Anti-Semitism in the Arab-Muslim World is generally directed at...