The Islamic University of Gaza, A Hamas Stronghold, Has Been Supported by the EU...

The Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) is a radical Islamist academic institution which has been a Hamas stronghold since its founding. Generations of Hamas' military and political leadership grew out of the university, and...

A modest request of the UAE The above segments provide the backdrop for the following request In the spirit of the forthcoming peace ceremony on the White House lawn: At a time when the UAE has quadrupled its donation...

New Pa/Unrwa Text Study, Conducted By The Center For Near East Policy Research –...

Palestinian Authority textbooks and teachers' guides dealing with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (based on books published in 2019) The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) published during the years 2017-2019, in cooperation with the...

Learning from the painful past

The anniversary of the outbreak of World War II has just passed and for Jews, in particular, it represents a grim reminder of lost opportunities and fateful decisions. The question is often posed as to...

Friends don’t let friends fund hatred

Regarding “The United Arab Emirates cannot have it both ways” (September 8), kol hakavod to David Bedein for once again highlighting the hypocrisy exhibited by our Arab “friends” in the Middle East. If Israel...

Experts Urge UAE to Stop Funding Terror Incitement in Palestinian Schools Following Peace Deal

JERUSALEM, Israel - As headlines praise the peace agreement between Israel and the UAE, some question whether the Gulf State can keep the peace. That’s because it financially supports an educational curriculum of hate...

The United Arab Emirates cannot have it both ways – opinion

The United Arab Emirates cannot have it both ways: Reconcile with the Jews and fund incitement against the Jews. At the same time, UAE pours $51 million per year, with no strings attached, into the UN Relief...

Pinhas Inbari – NGOs in Gaza and the West Bank Incite with European Support

PINHAS INBARI – NGOS IN GAZA AND THE WEST BANK INCITE WITH EUROPEAN SUPPORT JERUSALEM CENTER FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS In Gaza, the NGO network is closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the...

UAE Accord: Include Clause for Peace

The weeks before Rosh HaShana , the Jewish New Year, present a time for the US, Israel and the United Arab Emirates to hammer out details of their unprecedented peace accord. One issue on the...

Experts Urge UAE to Stop Funding Terror Incitement in Palestinian Schools Following Peace Deal

JERUSALEM, Israel - As headlines praise the peace agreement between Israel and the UAE, some question whether the Gulf State can keep the peace. That’s because it financially supports an educational curriculum of hate...