Providence Shines Upon Israel

“It is a land that HaShem your G-d seeks out constantly (Doresh Otah), the eyes of HaShem your G-d are upon it from the beginning of the year until its end” (Devarim11:12). Rabbeinu B'chayei...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 3rd

Summary and Analysis VOP led its Sunday morning news round-up with an interview with PA Information Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo who reiterated the PA's demands for a complete final settlement including the right of return,...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 14th

Summary and Analysis VOP concentrated on what it has labeled as Israel's assassination policy, but it also highlighted what it says was the heroic repulsion of an Israeli invasion of Khan Yunis. VOP continued to push...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 19

Summary The mosque sermon of Friday noon broadcast on VOP concentrated on an Islamic justification for the execution of "traitors" and "agents," while comparing Israel to a "cancer" in the region and characterizing the White...

PLO Security Chief Mohammad Dahlan Interviewed: “Most of the People in Israel Want War”

Just a few weeks after Ma'ariv published my colleague Ben Caspit's exclusive story about Arafat's instructions to kill settlers, the Arabic translation of the story was placed on the desk of Mohammed Dahlan, commander...

The Saudi Media Libel Against Jews

You have to rub your eyes and read it two and three times to believe that the Al-Riyadh newspaper, where every word undergoes the inspection of the Saudi royal house with a magnifying glass,...

Official PA News Agency Threatens the US with “Rage” of the World Warns That...

With thanks to IMRA for locating this release. Gaza, April 7, 2002, Wafa, the Political Editor: We are at the doorstep of another massacre orchestrated by the war criminal Gen. Mofaz and his highly ranked staff,...

The Consistent “Peace Now” Position: Jews Must Leave Their Communities in Judea and Samaria

Israeli politics may, at times, seem absurd. But nothing is more absurd than allowing a handful of hardcore ideologues in the settlement movement to hold an entire nation hostage to its beliefs. The Israeli Peace...

When an IDF Pilot Does NOT Bomb a Civilian Target Which Protects Terrorists, IDF...

On Thurday morning, September 25th, 2003, the IDF surrounded a home in the UNRWA Al-Boureij refugee camp in Gaza, where an armed Arab terrorist leader was holed up. The IDF did not call in an...

A Kerry Middle East Man: US troops to the Middle East?

Dr. Martin Indyk, who served two stints as ambassador to Israel, introduced himself to Israeli reporters who covered last week's Democratic National Convention as one of the key Middle East advisors to Democratic presidential...