Solving the Problems of Europe…In Israel

I was advised to remove all of my jewelry indicating I was Jewish before getting on the airplane to France very recently. France’s reputation for violent anti-Semitism truly precedes it on a global scale, and...

Cakes and Coffee: Genocide in Jerusalem

I sit in a room of academics. Their heads constantly moving. At first they were nodding in agreement with the speaker, now however they bob back and forth to stay awake. A collective frustration...

The Truth About Settlement Growth

On Monday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon predictably assailed Israel’s announced decision to build 800 new apartments in Ma’aleh Adumim and eastern Jerusalem. He noted that just four days earlier, the Middle East Quartet (i.e....

Weekly Commentary: Demonstrating that US stand on construction not acceptable

"We are familiar with the American position . It is not new. It is also not acceptable to us." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 6 July 2016 Let's put the cards on the table. We have had a building...

Israel to receive its first F-35 stealth fighter jet

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to welcome into the Israeli Air Force the first of 33 aircraft in a festive rollout ceremony at the Lockheed Martin plant in Texas • Four women graduate grueling IAF...

Israel Faces Sophisticated Hamas Operations

Israel has determined that Hamas and its allies developed enhanced capabilities to reach strategic facilities in the Jewish state. Security sources said Hamas established sleeper cells to enable strategic operations in Israel. They said the cells allowed...

Observation: Civilian Defense Minister a Plus

Some talking heads in Israel are essentially asserting that only senior brass are qualified to serve as minister of defense. But ex-brass come to the job with the mind set of the defense establishment. And while...

Return and renewal

As I write these lines Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Fallen soldiers and terror victims) is concluding…says Michael Kuttner. It is a day to remember and honour all those who have fallen in the line...

Israel Urged To Prepare For Iran Attack

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that Iran could erupt in war against Israel from either Lebanon or Syria. In a report, the center said the Iranian war could begin with an attack...

Audio: Example of interview biased against soldier in the Hebron shooting incident Retired Tel Aviv District Court Judge Amnon Straschnov served as Military Advocate General of the IDF from 1986 to 1991 - In this 30.3.16 interview on Israel Radio with Aryeh Golan on the Hebron shooting incident...