Saudi Wahhabis call for the destruction of Shia shrine in Syria Amid an escalation of the terrorist attacks on citizens and government buildings in the Syrian capital Damascus, the extremist Wahhabi clerics in Saudi Arabia have called for the destruction of holy shrine of Lady...

Future EU Sanctions Against Israel? Real, Imagined, and Somewhere in Between!st-israel/ Is the scenario of a full-scale EU boycott of Israel at all realistic? This study is designed to provide policy-makers with a “Brussels insiders” perspective on the prospects for future sanctions by the European...

Jerusalem Is Among the World’s Most Divided Cities, But One Thing Unites It: Trash A few weeks ago, I showed up at the municipal sanitation depot in south Jerusalem, next to a small supermarket. After the workers shared coffee and cigarettes in the dark parking lot, the trucks...

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the “Clash within a Civilization” No one has ever been able to travel to the Gulf without discovering just how different the perspectives and values of the West and the Middle East can be. During the last two...

Palestine’s Peace Bomb One of the key arguments of Israel's "peace camp" is that, without a two-state solution, the state faces a "demographic time-bomb." The contention is that perpetuating Israeli control over the growing Arab population of...

Israel’s Growing Role in Southern Syria As the fighting in Syria rages, Israel has been moving cautiously and often reluctantly toward assuming a modest role in the civil war, restricted to areas along the Golan Heights frontier line. What began...

Analysis by Rachel Avraham: Donor Nations Must Reform UNRWA Jews are "the wolf"Photo Credit: Channel 2 Since Israel’s War of Independence, millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees have been living across the Middle East in the surrounding Arab host countries, especially in Jordan, Lebanon,...

Hizbullah Sets Up Thousands Of Bases

Officials said Hizbullah has set up weapons caches in at least 200 communities in southern Lebanon. They said Hizbullah was storing rockets and missiles in thousands of apartment buildings in an effort to evade...

Is Hizbullah about to Withdraw from Syria? Hizbullah’s military involvement in Syria is now a subject of heated domestic debate in Iran. This debate is being waged against the backdrop of the international refusal to let Iran take part in the...

Congress secretly approves U.S. weapons flow to ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels,0,3701116.story WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Light arms supplied by the United States are flowing to "moderate" Syrian rebel factions in the south of the country and U.S. funding for months of further deliveries has been approved...