THE OBAMA DOCTRINE ON TERRORISM “” AN ANALYSIS As Raess Alam Qazi and Sheheryar Alam Qazi, two Muslim men from Pakistan, are indicted in Florida for plotting to carry out a terrorist attack using a weapon of mass destruction it is time...

The Iranian Role in the 2012 Gaza Conflict No. 592 November-December 2012 During the fighting in Gaza in November 2012, Iran took pains to highlight its own supply of weapons and means of manufacturing them to the Palestinians, contrasting the feebleness of the...

Mideast Rockets Threaten U.S. Interests

Middle East adversaries could threaten U.S. military bases with advanced ballistic missiles, a think tank said. The Lexington Institute asserted that Middle East allies of China and Russia were receiving missile technology that threaten U.S....

Letter a Jewish woman in Britain sent yesterday (19 November) to William Hague, the...,_the_British_Foreign_Secretary _ Dear Mr Hague You have stated that if Israel tries to defend its population through a ground offensive in Gaza ‘it risks losing the sympathy of the international community.’ Let me tell you something about...

Wednesday’s War, Monday’s Quarterbacks Middle East Wars kill people, but they add life to the careers of journalists who substitute their own prejudices for fact-based analysis. The Wednesday War (eight days from Wednesday to Wednesday) against Hamas terror is...

Fatal Flaws in the Reliance upon International Guarantees When an earlier Secretary of State before Hillary Clinton, namely Condoleezza Rice, arrived several times in Jerusalem she pressured the then weak and embattled Israeli government of Ehud Olmert into continuing the dreary and...

“Trading Away Peace”: How Biased Political NGOs Fuel Conflict Introduction On October 30, 2012, twenty-two NGOs released a report, “Trading Away Peace: How Europe Helps Sustain Illegal Israeli Settlements.” These NGOs repeat the BDS (boycotts, divestment, sanctions) agenda, calling on the EU and national...

My week in Jerusalem when rockets fell on the Holy City Jerusalemites have an age-old custom of ushering in the holy Sabbath a full 36 minutes before sunset -- earlier than anywhere else in the world. So last Friday eve, I rushed through the Old...

EDITORIAL: I AGREE WITH WEINBERG: BUBBLES HAVE BEEN BURST David. Weinberg, who moved to Israel from Toronto and directs the Israel office of the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs has written a good article in Yisrael Hayom, the daily paper sponsored by...

DISPATCH FROM WJR WARTIME CORRESPONDENT ORLI AVIOR: HOW I JUST MISSED THE BIGGEST STORY... Usually, when war breaks out in Israel, I am right in the thick of things--missiles fly by my kitchen windows, my life is made chaotic and I can't hear myself think it's so noisy...