Pfizer revisited – from Greece to Jerusalem

Sixty thousand Jews lived in Thessaloniki, Greece on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. A living and vibrant Jewish community. Most of the porters in the port of Thessaloniki were Jews. The...

Changes in Palestinian Monetary Authority senior personnel, apparently in view of the Palestinian Authority’s...

On January 1, 2021 an order given by the IDF Commander of the Central Command went into effect banning the banks in Judea and Samaria from providing banking services to Palestinian prisoners, released prisoners...

Deliberately misplaced priorities

What never ceases to amaze is the amount of times the international community can shut its eyes and close its ears to never ending confidence tricks. If one thing has been learned over the centuries...

The first military exercise was held under the command of the joint operations room...

On December 29, 2020, a joint military exercise, the first of its kind, was held to mark the anniversary of Operation Cast Lead. The exercise was called "Strong Pillar" (a phrase taken from the...

Mission Impossible? Asking US: Include education in peace process

In two weeks' time, a new US administration will enter office. That new American government is committed to creating a PLO state, under the slogan of a two-state solution. The main question is: how to ask...

Avril Haines, Director National Intelligence-Designate

Track record Avril Haines is a staunch advocate for military and counter-terrorism restraint, and a determined proponent of a major role for international law and human rights in the conduct of national security policy. She will assume a Cabinet level...

What does Biden owe his Jewish supporters?

The election of a new president of the US, Joe Biden, occurred with widespread Jewish support in several swing states. The time has come to ask how the new president can express appreciation to...

‘Shameful legacy of hate’: US slams UN for funding commemoration of anti-Semitic Durban conference

After down-to-the-wire negotiations, United Nations members have adopted a budget for 2021 that was higher than Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proposed and was strongly opposed by the Trump administration for including money to commemorate the...

How Germany tricked Jewish organizations worldwide

When the German parliament labeled the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as anti-Semitic, it garnered the praise of Jewish organizations worldwide. But despite the importance of the move, which influenced more European countries to adopt...

IDF sees record number of Israeli Arab conscripts

More than 1,000 Israeli Arabs have volunteered to serve in the IDF as conscripts or reservists in the past year, and most after the coronavirus crisis began in March, the military's Manpower Directorate said...