Vive la Freeze!,0 Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman is back in Geneva, making another go at an interim agreement between Iran and the so-called E3/EU+3. (That's "E3" as in three European countries: Britain,...

How to strengthen the interim Iran deal Press reports make it clear that the interim deal will bring Iran into compliance with none of its key international legal obligations as spelled out in applicable Security Council resolutions. These resolutions explicitly require...

The Point of No Return: Clearly the Obama Administration Won’t Ever Do Anything Serious... *David Gerstman has kindly sent this three-year-old article to me, which is still relevant today. We must now face an extremely unpleasant truth: even giving the Obama Administration every possible break regarding its Iran policy,...

Israel Intelligence Assessment: Iran Unlikely To Start War

Israel has assessed that Iran was unlikely to launch a regional war even its nuclear infrastructure was destroyed. Israel's leading strategic institute has concluded that Teheran would demonstrate restraint in wake of an Israeli strike...

One year since Pillar of Defense – Conclusions and policy implications IDF tanks and a flag on the Gaza border Photo: Ronen Zvulun / Reuters This November, southern Israel marks one year since the IDF’s Operation Pillar of Defense in the Gaza Strip. It has been...

Why is access to UN Headquarters being controlled by UN Palestinian Rights Division? American taxpayers have now paid over half a billion dollars to renovate United Nations Headquarters in New York City. And guess who is controlling access to the meeting rooms? The UN Division for Palestinian...

Palestinians From Syria: The Worst Treatment of All There are over 500,000 Palestinian “refugees” in Syria, as counted by the UN agency handling Palestinian “refugees,” the UN Relief and Works Agency or UNRWA. The quotation marks are especially apt in this case,...

UNRWA Can’t Pay Wages in Financial Crisis On Tuesday the UN announced it will not pay wages next month to thousands of workers in the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) due to a growing financial crisis. The cancellation of wages comes...

Senior Fatah Critic Targeted

Sufian Abu Zaydeh came under fire outside his home in Ramallah on early Nov. 19. Fatah said a gunman shot some 20 bullets at Abu Zaydeh's parked car. Abu Zaydeh, a member of the...

France’s Peace Process Innovation For the second time in two weeks, France has proven itself the most serious foreign-policy player the West currently has. First, it thwarted an abysmal nuclear deal with Iran. Now, it’s come up with...